Map problems

Hello everyone, Author-san here

In second volume revolves on Miko and the Gang's journey and arrival to Orario

So, here's the thing, I am no map expert. I can't find any accurate maps to base on, so I will just have to pick and choose.

As for the world map, I choose this

As for the Oraro map, I choose this

With these two maps, I will try my best to navigate the crew from Far East to Orario.

Don't worry, I won't bore you with chapters of journey montage. I am just making a small recap about it and that's it. It will be 1-3 paragraphs long.

As for their base, errr.... I have heard that they put their base at the north east but the internet doesn't show exactly where in that parameter. So, I need help to locate exactly where.

So, with these in mind, I will try my best to narrate the location as accurate as I can. But I might mess up a bit in the process. That's where you guys come in, you can correct me if my directions are wrong or inaccurate. But please, be gentle with the correcting, I've seen a lot of mean comments lately.

That's all, thanks for reading
