Betty lay on the cushion across the center table with her legs stretching out

As I stood waiting for her to approach me, I could feel the veins of my body toughened and my mouth began to salivate

Before I could tell what was happening, I felt more salivary glands gathering in my mouth as I took a gulp

My mouth became sweeter and I felt my tongue rolling in-between my lips and teeth

I was innocent so I couldn't really tell what was happening to my body

But I began to stare at Betty's legs where her red fitted gown had descended to its boundary forming her body into nice curves

Her legs polished like bronze and Smooth like olive oil,

"What are you doing!" My spirit cautioned

"God is a master Creator" I replied lustfully

Only then had I realized that I had gone so far away into lust but now I was back to my senses again

How quick and fast this thing happens only makes me wonder

"David, don't forget who you are" my mind warned and I upheld

I quickly turned away my lacanian psychoanalysis (gaze) and pretended to look away

Betty knew I wasn't okay and she too became aware of the atmosphere that was building up among us but she couldn't resist

She unfolded her legs slightly and against my wish, I found my neck turned slightly to steal some looks

I found my eyes, emotions, thoughts and being travelling from her legs to her thighs

More so was when I beheld her face as she smiled sheepishly and rose to her feet

My spirit and soul ran and were waiting for my body outside but the body resisted moving

I was stocked at the spot

I could feel the trap of Lucifer closing in on me but my body refused to run

"O David, remember you have a meeting this night. Don't let your purity go." My soul called out from where it stood ready to flee with my body

I turned to my wrist watch and saw the hands tickling, warning that it was about time

But before I could say Betty I have to go, my nose began to perceive her saint and the waves of her adoring body fragrance travelled beyond my body calling and dragging my soul into place

"O' my God, I have not thought of this as much." My body rejoiced to its delight

"David, why do you want to run. It is just a side hug. That's all and you will be free to go"

"Yes, I'm a man. Be strong David." I manned-up and held my fear still not to behave like a child

Betty closed in on me by her side and was about letting go but my body wanted more

I used my left hand and covered her in

The side hung then began to grow; from it to front hung, down to embraced hug, then to intimate hung, and then deep hug.....

I kept travelling deep and breaking boundaries until I was lost to the devil

My body was rejoicing and becoming more and more agile but my spirit wept within bitter

"Bitter romance it is, aawwhahaha!!" I perceived Lucifer mocking

Deep down I wanted to run but the strength wasn't there

It was like a car who has run out of fuel

My soul cried out and I jerked back a little trying to free myself and at the same time not hurt the woman I had claimed to love, but she won't let go

She could interprete my body and what it needed but couldn't discern the wailing of my heart

The thought of my all-night meeting flashed back into my head as I could envision people already congregating

I felt a gentle cool-flesh touched my lips. Like a controlled robot, I couldn't tell when my body went against my cautioning and accepted kissing the woman I was not married to

I cried and at the same time romanced

My flesh couldn't let Betty teach her how to do it

I was going to let her know that I am the man she should be proud of

I lifted her thighs and uncovered her skin

We fell and rose simultaneously and kept exploring each other

It was all good

The night of my calamity came

The night I gave all the investment in purity came and I felt everything wasted

In the midst of all the agonizing pains my soul and spirit was going through, I and Betty couldn't let go each other

Our flesh rejoiced and I could feel the the demons of hell paying allegiance to Lucifer for a job weldone

But it was far from being all-over

The agony just begun. I was not sure what would become of me