A day after my first encounter with Lucifer, I decided it was time to put an end to all the mess I had gone into - I was going to seek the face of the Lord and nothing would stop me from doing so

I had a peaceful night the previous day but never did I imagine that it would be my last for moments to come

That evening, I shut my door and knelt down to pray

I prayed for few minutes and began to feel dizzy

I could not understand. I was bittered!! Everything had been taken away from me

This is me who could pray for days stretch and make mockly of those who were lazy with their prayer lives

If I had known that my downfall came as a result of my hidden pride, I would have repented and that would have been the end of my affliction but I was adamant

Never did it occur to me that in my years of uprightness I was not totally upright

I had practiced self righteousness and mocked those whom I was supposed to tender in humility and forbearance

It took me years before I could realize where I had gone wrong

I tried praying again but I couldn't, I started seeing the naked picture of Betty appearing before me

My appetite for sexual intimacy began to elongate terribly against my wish

I was praying and lusting at the same time

I couldn't believe myself that this was happening to me

I was dying and going fast into the drain

At a point I felt God never loved me. If he does, why hasn't he come to my rescue? I began to doubt his existence but later realized Lucifer was the one drifting me away into more separation with my love (God)

"One day, I know I will be out of this mess totally and when I do, I will use it against darkness" I encouraged myself and began to struggle in prayer again

I could not even fathom what I was saying until I fell into a deep sleep on my knees

I saw myself going on a lonely but beautiful path

The sight was glorious and I felt nothing close as beautiful to it until I heard a voice shout

"Intruder! intruder!! Intruder!!!" Foots of many soldiers with arms were matching towards me

I turned and saw an angel flew to me

"Is it me that is been called intruder? I am the servant of the Lord; the righteousness of God, the apple of his eyes. I am not an intruder!" I yelled in anger

"Anger, pride and lust has possessed your soul David" the angel said

"I have the garment of the master on me. Allow me to enter into his paradise" I yelled again

"You have been blinded by darkness David! Otherwise you would have seen that you have stained his garment. The garment is stained. Therefore you can't go in until you are cleansed!" The angel cried out on me

"I have laboured for the master all my life. Let me go in" I demanded

"Your works lives on but the baton has been taken away from you and given to another. The Lord will not let his work suffer. Once any of his servant is unwilling, he raises up even the stones to build his kingdom. Depart!!!"

The angel cried out and immediately I saw a dragon flew towards my direction and picked me from where I was standing

I was striped of the garment of my Lord and left naked

From where I stood, demons began to crawl out in fierce anger towards me

They had the form of man and were all female and naked

They took hold of me and began to drag me away into gross darkness

I was shouting while being dragged until I wailed so loudly that hell shook and I jerked out of sleep

My body trembled and without a second thought, I put on some shabby wears and ran out to my car

I drove all the way to my spiritual father's office

I knew it was against his ethic to have anyone visit him in the office at such a time which he usually had to meditate, but the situation was too urgent

I was dying internally

I arrived at the massive edifice and started running in, knowing fully well it was the only way for me to be helped

I threw the receptionist office opened and started heading into the room that nobody else was permitted to enter knowing he would be there

I was running crying for pardon

I started hearing sounds as I approached the office but I didn't mind

I pushed the door open and emotions threw me back and I landed on the floor

My spiritual father was having an intimate affair with his secretary

I struggled, dragging myself on my back trying not to believe what I had seen

"Ah, Lord!!! Save your people! Immorality has entered your church" I cried out loudly running back into my car

"David! David!!!" He called out pursuing after me

I rushed to my car trembling and I zoomed off

Entering my house, a text entered my phone and it read; "my son, help me. Protect your father's nakedness. I am ashamed."

You could guess who it was from

"Sex outside marriage is a deadly game." I placed my head on the steering of my car and wept bitterly until there was no more tears left in me