"Ah, church, Apostle David remains the shepherd over all of us. He has laboured and his work is not over but the ENEMY is angry and wants to cut him short. Please for the love of CHRIST, let's open our mouth and call on God for him. Somebody pray! Please pray! The Lord's servant must not fall! We have not been praying enough for him. Please open your mouth and call upon the name of the Lord." Pastor Donald cried out

It was time ...

Time to come out of my hiding and let the world know that I was no longer the Apostle of holiness they knew. In as much as before the Lord I had purged myself, this is what the people would consider of me; the deceiver who was all the while deceiving others to live right while he was busy enjoying the offer of the world.

The truth remained that I was tired and the way out of the mess I had created for myself was to let the cat out of the bag.

"Beloveth in Christ," I said as I rounded the Sunday evening Revival meeting.

"The storm is coming. To me, it has come and gone but for you, I do not know how you would handle the storm that is coming. This storm would hit you and cause many of you to be shaken but I'm depending upon the Lord that a few would still remain faithful to the cause of the master. I am just an ordinary servant who is ready to give way at any point in time and allow the master choose whom he would for his work to prosper."

This day we had a wonderful meeting in church; the unpredictable power and manifold dimensions of God at work as usual.

Diverse healings, prophetic release and testimonies all around were visible manifestations. The people of God were blessed and their joy reached to the brim, but now they found it strange what I was saying.

All eyes fastened on me. Senator Moses was there, Betty was there, Abigail was there, Pastor Donald and Deaconess Felicia were there among other dignitaries of my ministry.

Abigail was sitting some distance in the choir stand. Knowing she was there comforted my heart.

Pastor Donald and Deaconess Felicia must have felt bad that all these which I was about to unveil were ongoing and eating me up without letting them know.

I had initially thought of first informing them before the board of elders and then the entire church, but I thought over it that sometimes long process diverts focus when there is a summary to a journey.

I decided to summarize the journey. This would be the day I would know that the Everlasting Revival Ministry loved me to the core as their Pastor.

As I spoke, I felt the light and power of God fell on me. With this, I knew I was doing the will of my father in heaven even if man was to be against me. I was strengthened and I continued speaking

"Brethren, I am suspending myself from active ministration. Apostle David, your humble man of God whom you love won't be standing here again for a while until the Lord has vindicated him from the trap of the enemy."

"I didn't for once answered the call into ministry because of fame, popularity or materialism. I came in because the Lord called me to do his work and all these years I have faithfully served. Now I'm wounded too severe to continue. I would have to retrieve to lay upon the Lord's feet so that my wounds can be treated and broken bones restored." I said

I looked up and saw every one glaring from corner to corner with questions on their hearts. Others were muttering and wondering what it was that I was saying.

"Brethren," I continued. "you have followed me all this year's as your man of God and I want you to do same for the one the Lord is ushering into service today as I step aside. Pastor Donald Aondohemba, please can you come to the altar?" I requested throwing in more confusion.

Pastor Donald grudgingly stood up humbled and confused and mesmerized to approach the altar as he could not understand and felt unworthy for the task I was uninformedly commiting into his hands. I believe his coming out was for the respect he had for me as the true servant of the Lord he had known me.

As I watched him match to the altar, I could see concerns all-over the people. Betty was no longer comfortable in her seat as she was not expecting that I would take the step I was taking. Even Lucifer and hell was taken unaware otherwise he would have made a move to stop me.

Pastor Donald came standing by me and I handed the microphone over to him requesting for another one.

"My people, this will be your Apostle now until the Lord reunites me with you again. Follow him as he follows the Lord." I said, then turned to Pastor Donald Aondohemba. "My son, you have faithfully served with me in this vine yard and I'm happy to temporarily commit into your hands this work of the Lord until He has refined and bring me back again." I said and he humbly fell on his knees holding onto my legs

"Please stand up and stand beside me." I ordered.

I raised a song of worship and together with the congregation, we worshiped the Lord before I continued.

"Please, I would love sister Betty to stand!" I instructed Betty

I could feel waves of fear, anguish and guilt drumming in the heart of Betty as she grudgingly stood to her feet shaking.

I sighted Senator Moses, glared from left to right, gathered his baban riga (loosely sown native attire worn in Nigeria) and stood to take an exit.

"Please senator Moses, this is highly important and i would love you to take your seat until I'm done." I stern an order and he fell back into his seat

"Brethren, you all know that Betty is my BETROTHED. You all have been waiting for us to release the date of our marriage which accounts for a thing of great joy. I am totally ashamed and broken to announce to you today that I and sister Betty had intimate knowledge of ourselves and as a result she is currently pregnant." I broke the news out of the shell.

"Chai, ah, Jesus!" different expressions of shock came from the congregation with eyes fastened on me.

I couldn't take a break otherwise the place would be disoriented, for this course, I continued.

"I personally made the confirmation to Betty's pregnancy yesterday and it is to this view that I'm stepping down for the Lord to continue with you through Pastor Donald until I am healed and RESTORED back to faith.

Betty could no longer hold on as i sighted her ran out of the church in total shame while the congregation looked on.

"I am sorry people of God for disappointing you and the entire body of Christ. For the love of Christ, do not give me over to the devil but in your secret prayers, pray for me so that the Lord can totally heal and RESTORE me back to you.

I held Pastor Donald, pulled him close and dropped my microphone.

As I walked down the altar, I could see tears coming down from the people's eyes. The entire church broke down in tears and wept bitterly.

"Apostle we love you, daddy the Lord has not left you. We are proud of you. the devil is a lier." I heard them pray for me; some holding their hands together and others reaching out to touch me as they prayed

I too broke down in tears on my way out into my car.

"Ah, church, Apostle David remains the shepherd over all of us. He has laboured and his work is not over but the ENEMY is angry and wants to cut him short. Please for the love of CHRIST, let's open our mouth and call on God for him. Somebody pray! Please pray! The Lord's servant must not fall! We have not been praying enough for him. Please open your mouth and call upon the name of the Lord." Pastor Donald cried out

I lay over my steering with a heavy heart as tears streamed down my eyes.

My personal assistants stood by, offering to drive and do this and that but I declined in all. I started the engine and drove off.

Arriving in the house, I rushed into my bedroom and fell on the bed praying out my heart until the following day in the evening.