"Brethren, Haven done the well deserved appreciation which I was yearning to give, I want to most especially express gratitude to the God of heaven and earth for disappointing the enemies of this ministry. Despite multiple attempts to silent this ministry, it is notable how we are growing faster by the day. Pastor Donald has reported to me that we now have a progressive figure of 65, 000 home cells with a mini church capacity attendance for each. This is massive, please Celebrate Jesus." I spoke extensively at the elders meeting

The forum clapped hands jubilantly rising to their feet.

"Senator Moses," I continued. "I can see how happy you are with your countenance."

"Ah, my Apostle you don't know how happy I am. it is obvious that the work of God is progressing." He said

"That's beautiful senator. Err, that reminds me of the move I was told you took for the appointment of a new pastor over the ministry in my absence. Please can you tell us more about it?" I demanded laying a trap

"Heh, ann, my Apostle!" He began smiling. "You know I have a very deep attachment for this ministry and its success. I am sorry I didn't trust your leadership scheme so much that I was only trying to question if Pastor Donald was the best option or God was saying something otherwise. I believed that you made the decision of having Pastor Donald lead the church because it came sudden and your mind was not settled enough to transcends the spiritual for the best option." He concluded

I stood up and smiled;

"Senator Timothy, the tortoise that wants to hide from it shell is only hiding under it." I spoke in parable making everyone a bit confused

"Brethren, this is far away from pride, but I want to plead with you all, is there anybody here who has a confession to make for some of the things I and the ministry is facing?" I asked

"I see a storm that is mounting up heavily about to be dissolved. Do we have any among us that has something to tell us so we could pray for he or she in the love of Christ?"

There was silence everywhere despite the time I gave for everyone to think deeply.

As I was about to move on from there, Deaconess Felicia raised up her hand to my shock; "My Apostle, I want to be sorry for myself if there is anything I have done wrong that I don't know. I also ask heaven to forgive me for not praying more than I have done for you and the ministry sir." she said

I smiled and prayed for her.

We then deliberated on everything else that was happening in my personal life involving the scandals, my upcoming marriage with Betty and the ministry.

Although I had planned that I won't be out until seven days, the council advised that I eased up to attend to some few things. I agreed to this but told them the larger part of my time would be spent behind close doors.

"... please brethren and elders, I want the media to be present. Invite every television, radio and newspaper station to witness my marriage to Betty. I want the world to know that I have done what is right and learn from it." I instructed

The meeting closed late into the night at around 7pm and each person departed home.

Without doubt, this was one of the most fulfilling days in my life and ministry. My testimony remained that I was a new man.

My time with Abigail couldn't let off my heart. I imagined as well how she would from each second enumerate on our conversation in the office that day.

Just about the time I was to go to bed, Betty called and was ranting bitterly; "love, you don't even call me, no text, nothing, you are just quiet."

"After all, we are getting married and I will be all yours so, what is the point of calling, texting or doing this and that?" I asked her.

"Hmm, our wedding is just few days away. I want to come see you tomorrow so that we can finalized on preparations."

"That's fine! I will be expecting you tomorrow, but your coming is in the morning by 9am and you are returning anything before noon." I answered.

"You don't need to mention. I'm not planning to stay either." She said

The following day, I welcomed her into my home. Her pregnancy had pushed out a little. When I saw it, my heart kicked before returning back in place.

She began to tell me about all the things we needed to make the wedding the talk of town.

"Look Betty, we are not making anything special. I have suit and you have gowns or anything to were. We are making appearance on the wedding day to be pronounced husband and wife. Your bride-price would be payed same day before the procession. I have my plans okay, and this is already discussed with your father."

"And what are your plans?" She asked

"But I just explained myself Betty." I yelled

"It's fine, I'm okay so long we are married."

"And that's all you wanted? Just to be married, to the man that doesn't love you?"

"But the same man pushed sperm into my body and put me in the condition I am. I will rather marry such a man than let him go!" She exclaimed

"That's fine Betty. Please before you go, between heaven and earth, I want you to tell me if you have a hand in the scandals I'm facing, with the truth, I'm sure the Lord will show you mercy." I pleaded with much concern for her life

"I don't understand David. Is it the pregnancy you are calling scandal or are you denying that we did not have knowledge of each other's intimacy? Come on, it's still fresh in my mind how much you were into me." she trashed

"Betty, I want to ask you a simple question and let you go until the day of our marriage. It is true we had canal knowledge of each other, a thing I consider of the past and I'm forgiven of, but I want to remind you that my name is Apostle David. You have known what the Lord has used me to do. you are not ignorant of the dimensions I have operated in. I don't want you to suffer what is coming and is very close. Betty, please tell me the truth, are you sure your hands are clean?"

"Please sir; Apostle David, the anointed man of fire, spare me the time to do some other things." She answered rudely pushing me off her way into the bedroom.

I sat still on the parlor with my head held up straight onto the wall.

"When the soul of a man is bent on destruction, there is no warning that tickles it back to salvation." I muttered this words to myself.

"So what are you muttering to yourself now Apostle? I want to take my leave." Betty mocked

"Alright, I answered her. Please greet your family for me. I will be speaking with your dad on the phone later on today." I said and she stormed out of the house.

I wondered why she didn't even seduce me this time around.

I consulted with my spiritual parents and invited top ranking clergy men. I also visited the state CAN chairman and made a public apology to him and his council. I pleaded that on the reconcilation process, he should under pardon pronounce me husband and wife.

He declined my plead on the condition that doing so would mean endorsing premarital sex among youths. I humbly obliged to his condition and settled it on the head of my spiritual father, meanwhile the CAN chairman promised to be present with his dignitaries.


On Thursday, February 28, 1991, two days before my wedding with Betty, senator Moses gathered with all the people in the game. At this point, things were going out of their hands. There was more than need for re-strategizing to come out with the best result.

Betty; "I am worried. The way he spoke to me in the house showed so clear that the Lord had spoken to him. To an extent, I know Apostle David. I have only been shocked why it took long before he could have knowledge of what we are doing. Please I want to stop all of these and confess to him. I am no longer myself. Last night I had terrible dreams been dragged by demons. Please is high time we confes..."

Senator Moses: "Will you shout up your mouth Betty. After all the money I have wasted on you and your family? you now want to give up? Never! we are bent on destroying the life and ministry of Apostle David and nothing would stop that!"

Bishop Timothy: Exactly my senator. Now listen carefully; everyone of you. There is no going back in this game. We have invested into it and it's too late to give up.


Early before the break of the day, I rose from the bed and saw my ministering spirit standing with his sword drawn.

"David!" He said. "the time has come. I have only come to Inform you that it is time."

I fell on the bed immediately praying and asking him to show mercy but he held my hand and told me to allow the Lord purify His church of evil.


Finally, the day which everyone was expecting arrived.

Due to the much agitation from the media, the venue of my marriage with Betty was shifted to the state stadium.

It was speculated that more people would attend my wedding than has been any other nationwide.

Attention was much on me; many waiting to have more reasons to backlash the church of God and so forth.

Saturday March 2, 1991 was one out of the most remarkable days for me and the body of Christ.

That early morning, the wedding procession began. I had informed my ministry band to ensure that Worship was intensed.

A selected team of prayer warriors was praying for me with fervency in a section of the stadium.

Since the devil overtook my fallen serious, I was seriously ready for the battle

I had requested for some special sessions to be infused into the agenda and the Master of Ceremony (MC) was well informed.

Dignitaries both from the body of Christ, circular and others were gathered. The media was ruminating from corner to corner with absolute readiness to feed their cameras well for what was coming

When it was time for me to speak before any further procession would properly begin, I stood from my seat with a serious outlook and climbed the podium.

As I walked to the pulpit, I could feel the awesome presence of God surrounding me. His power surged into my body and was literally vibrating it.

I rendered greetings to all dignitaries gathered and appreciated everyone for coming.

I told the media that they should ensure what they saw was exactly what they were going to deliver to the masses who couldn't afford watching the live session.

Once again, I apologised to the body of Christ and the general society for failing them and indulging in sexual perversion, an act I was truly sorry for.

"But brethren," I spoke on

"I have been injured within my spirit and soul for the evil that is been perpetrated in the church of God."

I paused and instructed the security to be at the watch not to allow anybody leave as the people should hold anyone planning on leaving, then I continued.

"People of God and media, men of God are not ordinary people but those who stand in the gap between man and God. They are not perfect but anyone fighting them is fighting the God who sends them. There are those who have a hand in the scandals you all are seeing on the media, hearing of and speaking of yourself. It is true I had intercourse with Betty, but afterwards I repented and sort for change. Every other thing came from those who had wished to bring me, my calling and ministry to an end..."

At this point, the crowd was still, with every eye glaring on me patiently waiting for where I was going to put full stop on what I was saying so they could judge.