All things coming to pass, now there was no obstacles to the journey of paradise I had dreamed to embark with the love of my life ordained by God himself - Abigail.

The evening of the Sunday that proceeded, the upon whose morning Prophet Timothy and Apostle Ogabu died, I returned home praying and meditating upon the word of God to find answers to some things. Within this exercise, I fell asleep and was awakened at 4pm.

When I rose from the bed, it was a bright new day all together. Although it was still the Sunday evening, everything had changed. The rays of the sun, the atmosphere, blowing of the cool air that permeated my home - all together it was beautiful.

I felt renewed and strengthened with new dimensions from the Holy Spirit. I could sense a deeper presence of the Lord upon me.

The CAN body had denied any attachment to the letter that was sent to my ministry demanding for immediate cease to all mass gathering of my ministry at the venue. This also led to the immediate removal of the state chairman and the counsel would meet Wednesday of the week to look into the case more deeply.

For this reason, I ordered for the immediate opening of the ministry doors to inaugurate a service of continuety and Thanksgiving onto the Lord.

I jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom, showered quickly and returned, to dress for service.

Pastor Donald would be picking me by 4:30pm.

Rightly to the time, he came to the house and picked me for church.

Approaching the venue, we could hear the choir leading a heavy praise session, then we started seeing crowds of people on every side.

Vehicles were driving in; some private cars and others public transportation while still other were trooping in on their feet.

I had never seen near to what I saw that day in my ministry for all the years I had been preaching the word of God.

We narrowed through and pulled up at the entrance of my office.

I came out of the car, and stood in awe to what I was seeing.

Not hesitating, I walked into my office, fell flat on the carpet and began to give God the glory that was his.

I was praising God and crying at the same time. What the enemy had meant for evil had turned out to the glory of God.

After worshiping the Lord, I came out of the office and joined the people of God in worship.

When the worship ended and pastor Donald humbly invited me to the altar, I could be seen embarrassed by the applauses and thunderous shouts of the thousands of worshipers that had gathered.

"All the glory to Jesus! All the glory to Jesus!" I kept shouting as the people shouted in joyful sounds of hallelujah to the king of Kings and the Lord of Lord.

I invited the choir once again and we spent thirty minutes worshiping God with high intensity.

We then proceeded into praises and thanksgiving.

On this day, I danced and forgot myself. The media had also come to witness the first service of return at Eternal Revival Ministry.

After the singing and the dancing, i began to address the people of God ordering them to have their seats as calm fell on the sanctuary.

This was the most blessed day of my life.

As I began to minister to the people about the recent happenings in the ministry, my eyes fell on Abigail.

She was elegantly and stylishly rocking in a milky silk lining that carved her endowment from neck to toes.

She had a beautiful hat hanging over the peak of her head.

All things coming to pass, now there was no obstacle to the journey of paradise I had dreamed to embark with the love of my life ordained by God himself - Abigail.

It was a wow. My eyes could transcent her physique and beyond the bodily magnificence, I could behold a woman with every spiritual virtual deserving nothing than to be the wife of a blessed man of God such as I was.

Trying not to be carnal, I removed my gaze from her direction and focused on the entire congregation.

I spent time explaining in details all that had happened and the lessons to be learn from them.

When I was done, I did a short prayer and the atmosphere was stirred up with diverse manifestations of the spirit of God.

The people were hungry and expectant, but I had to discharge them as I didn't wanted to do much on that particular day.

When the service came to an end, the media sort to have my attention for interview but it was late into the night and I needed time to rest and commune with the Lord. For this reason, I turned down the interview and was driven home.

Friday of the same week which was for our special revival program, I was told that Betty and all his family, together with everyone who had conspired against me were coming to the meeting to seek for the church's forgiveness.

For me, I had forgiven them of whatever they had done but since they were coming to seek forgiveness from the church, I did not disagree.

I called on my spiritual father to minister in the meeting that night and to address some issues as one who had higher experience than me.

It was going to be a special service and I prepared myself for it.

At the meeting, I had the honor of inviting my father to the altar as he took over the microphone;

"... brethren," he began after some special exhortations "I am marvelled with the personality of Pastor Donald, for being used by the Lord to hold on in times of trials when the ship was wrecking until he has successfully handed over to his spiritual father, my son Apostle David..." He paused and the congregation clapped jubilantly.

"...he has clearly shown that fidelity and servant leadership is still possible in this era of our faith. If it were others, they would have pulled away the sheep to establish a fold for themselves where they could raise shoulders and proud about..."

He paused and invited Pastor Donald, I and him placed hands upon him and the congregation joined in the prayer.

When he was done, it was time to attend to those who have come to be shown mercy. They were sited in the congregation among the people. My father invited them to come to the altar one after the other.

They began to crawl out each and everyone of them, including senator Moses, Bishop Timothy, Betty who was blind, her family members who had partook in the conspiracy, Dr Mike, DPO Usman and the rest of them including the former state CAN chairman.

it was obvious that they had mate and agreed to seek for mercy.

It took the next two hours for them to confess their sins, senator Moses been the chief speaker.

The congregation was startled listening to such a conspiracy that was crafted just to pull down a minister of the Lord

After all had been done and the church had forgiven them, my father asked me to finalize and bless them.

I climbed the podium and yet again expressed that I had forgiven all who had a hand in what I had gone through.

"...you are forgiven. I urge you all to use the remaining nine months of mercy the Lord has given you and serve him in spirit and in truth. I will be interceding for you all and asking that the Lord show you people mercy and extend your days on Earth. If he answers my prayers, I will be the most happy, but if he chooses that his will stands and that you won't live beyond the nine months of mercy, there is surely nothing I can do about it." I said wiping a tear off my eyes most especially as my eyes fell on Betty and the rest of them.

"The penalty of sin is deadly, the wise would repent and be saved but fools bends on destruction." The Lord ministered this words to my heart as I handed over the microphone to Pastor Donald and descended down the altar.

Truly, A new chapter was opened