Our joy was full to the extreme. Seeing my first seed brought a lot of joy to my life.


"Servant of the most high God, it has been a long journey, but now the journey has brought you to rest. Take this!" My ministering spirit said handing out to me a precious purple stone

I collected the stone and saw a name written on it boldly; "Rahira"

"That shall be the name of thy seed" the angel said to me.

"But I know not what Rahira means, ministering spirit." I beckoned on the angel.

"Rahira is a name from heaven given you by God. This seed represents the covenant of the Lord with thee, to use you and birth upon the earth the end time revival. Rahira is translated into the language of man; "Revival"

"Eyes have not yet seen what the Lord has proposed to do with thee. Stay faithful, focused and walk straight. Turn not to the left nor to the right, but fix thy eyes upon the Lord and His assignment upon thee. Many battles lay ahead, but if thy focus remains; the Lord and thy trust remains in Him, you will surely overcome." He concluded and vanished.

With the stone still in my hands, I fell face down and gave glory to the Lord God of heaven and earth.

As I was thanking the Lord, I began to hear Abigail wail.

I quickly rushed to the bed and helped her to a sitting position.

"It's the baby! please daddy call the doctor." Abigail said pleadfully.

I quickly went for my phone and called Dr Olivia who told me to convey her to the hospital at once.

I checked the time and it was 5am. I helped Abigail into the car and drove to the hospital.

Immediately we entered the gate, she delivered a bouncing baby boy right there in the car and the nurses had to rush from the hospital to attend to her.

Our joy was full to the extreme. Seeing my first seed brought a lot of joy to my life.

While the Lord had considered favoring us with the successful coming of Rahira, I didn't know that the following day was the day the Lord had prepared to carry out his mission.

When Pastor Donald came to congratulate me over Abigail's successful delivery, he also came with the news that Betty was gone.

I couldn't believe it, within the nine months of Abigail's pregnancy, Senator Moses, Bishop Timothy and the rest of those who had conspired against me all died one after the other.

Betty was the only one still alive. But in the early hours during which Abigail brought to birth Rahira, that was when Betty also breathe her last.

I couldn't figure out if I was going to celebrate or mourn. It was a hard time for me hearing that Betty was gone from this world never to be seeing again.

I went into a separate room and wept for the dead of Betty.

From this point, I believe the Lord had brought to a summary of all that he had wanted to show and bring me through.

It was worth it that at the end, I had become a better minister the Lord needed to carry out his word. I also became a better mentor, father figure, father to Rahira and husband to Abigail.

The Lord told me; that which I had gone through, I must ensure it was shared to the world, and that he would use it to bring many to him from the grips of Satan.

I, apostle David, lived ever more, a fulfilled minister, father and husband to Abigail, the love of my life.

...THE END...