Zombie Stuff


A short PSA on the early days of the infection.


"These beings are no longer human, do not think of them as beings you can change, they won't..."

- Dr. Kuro



The Great Solum Alliance PSA


STAGE 0 - Normal humans that are freshly infected. Infected recently, approximately 1 day after the infection.

They show the symptoms of infection, and they start to behave aggressively.

Their eyes turn red and their mouths are excessively drooling.

They show signs of resistance to their actions, due to the incomplete loss of their human sense.

If a human is bitten or infected in any way, they are to be disposed of immediately.

[TV Static]


STAGE 1 - Approximately 1-2 days after infection.

Skin tone has completely changed. The most common colors are red, green, and yellow.

The infected can no longer think rationally.

Their aggressive behavior is enhanced and will attempt to attack any living being in their sight.

If you are an untrained civilian, do not attempt to engage in combat with it.

If you are a trained soldier, engage carefully.

[TV Static]


STAGE 2 - Approximately 3-5 days after infection.

The only thing human about them is their forms.

They still move bipedally, though they do not look like humans now.

Skin tone is now grey, no other color is seen in this stage.


If you are an untrained civilian, do not even attempt to go near them. 

If you are a trained soldier, you are advised to use ranged weapons.

[TV Static]


STAGE 3 - Approximately 1 week after infection.

They are no longer human, the body is rapidly decomposing, but the virus is also regenerating its body, making an endless cycle of decomposition and regeneration.

Its combat prowess is purely driven by instinct.

In this category, nonhuman-like characteristics are seen, such as, but not limited to:

Scales, Shells, Claws, Extended limbs, Tentacles, Webbed feet, Etc.

They are much more effective hunters.

It is speculated that they are capable of thinking, though to only a certain extent.

If the speculation is true, then this will prove to be extremely dangerous.

If you are an untrained civilian, pray that it does not find you.

If you are a trained soldier, the use of ranged weapons is necessary.

[TV Static]


STAGE 4 - Approximately 1-2 weeks after infection.

They either move bipedally or quadrupedally.

They are extremely agile and fast.

They show more signs of intelligence than the Stage 3 infected.

As seen on body cams from soldiers, they usually move alone or in pairs, stalking prey.

Though there are currently only a few of them, they will increase in population after some time.

If you are an untrained civilian, you are more likely to win the lottery than to survive encountering these, statistically speaking.

If you are a trained soldier, do not engage alone, be in pairs or groups if you encounter these.

[TV Static]


STAGE 5 - No infected beings in this stage have been seen yet, though scientists believe that sooner or later, an infected in this stage will be seen.

[TV Static]





Regular Infected - Regular infected are beings that do not deviate too much from their base form. They are the most commonly seen category of infected.

Evolved Infected - These are mostly comprised of Stage 3 and above. They show characteristics that are not seen in humans. They are also speculated to show signs of intelligence.

Stationary Infected - These infected show no signs of mobility, though they are not any less threatening than the ones shown before. They are capable of laying traps to capture prey and infect them. 

Broodmothers - These are also stationary infected, but they deserve to be in a category of their own. These look more like giant flesh eggs, producing small enemies. They are not capable of producing humanoid infected, but they are still to be killed on sight.





(The Great Leader of the Alliance, Menlor Kingsman, can be seen giving a speech on the podium)

"These are the ones we have seen so far, and we believe that they will only grow to be more and more of a threat to our Great Alliance.

And as citizens, we have the responsibility to provide as much help as we can to our soldiers, who risk their lives!

Do not lose your human spirit, as they are the gifts of our ancestors!

We are the dominant beings in this system, and we do not yield to any new threats to our rule.

We are humans! We are the apex, the top of the food chain, and the beings that rose to the top of evolution!

In this race of evolution, we own the finish line..."
