Sheriff Cole raised an eyebrow at Harriet who was staring expectantly at him trying to understand if Harriet was being serious or was just trying to make a really bad joke. After waiting a few seconds and seeing that she was not going to counter her previous statement, he let out a sigh. She was serious.

"So let me get this straight Harriet." He began, massaging his forehead with two fingers. "You called me all the way over here just to tell me that you saw a light in the woods and something fly in the sky that made a funny sound."

Harriet nodded fervently. Cole moaned. "Harriet that was probably some bird you saw. Lots of animals fly in the night and the light is probably from some people who decided to campout in the woods. It wouldn't be the first time."

"No way." Harriet disagreed. "Campfires aren't that bright and they definitely aren't purple. Plus that thing in the sky was way too big to be a bird."

"I thought you said it was far away from you, close to the glow, right?" Cole raised his eyebrow further up questioningly. "Yes." Nodded Harriet. "And even from that distance it was the size of a big bird, like an eagle. Can you imagine how big it would've been if it was any closer."

"Pretty big I guess." Shrugged Cole. "Exactly. And that funny sound was actually a really loud scream or shriek, it gave me chills." Harriet shook all over with fear as she recalled the sound. "I know it sounds crazy but I have this feeling that something isn't right. And maybe I sound delusional but I know what I saw. I'm just asking that you investigate its cause..."

"You think it may have something to do with Patricia?" Cole finished with a knowing look. "I don't know Har. I've got a lot on my plate with Andrew Philips, Your kid and last night Mrs. Holfman called. Apparently, her daughter Molly, had gone missing since Friday and no one noticed till Monday."

"How come?" Asked Harriet. "She was supposed to be spending the weekend at a friend's house, never showed up." Cole explained. "The point is, there's so much going on and I can't spend my time wandering the woods trying to find a light."

"It's not aimless." Said Harriet. "This light could signify a possible threat. Someone could be doing something illegal out there and what if this is related to my daughter. What if the same person that took my daughter actually has something to do with Molly and Andrew? What if it's all related. That means you solve one, you solve all the others. Besides the glow was at night or really early in the morning, around let's say... 1:00am."

Cole studied Harriet thoughtfully for a while. He hated to admit it but Harriet did have a point. It was strange for there to be a purple glow in the woods and if it was related to Molly Holfman, Patricia Burns and Andrew Philips, it would make his job a whole lot easier. Then again if these three cases were unrelated, he'd just have another possible problem in his hands. He groaned in frustration, he was just going to trust his gut and his gut said...

"Fine I'll look into it." He said and Harriet clapped her hands happily. "Oh thanks Bobby you're the best." She squealed. "I hope I don't regret my decision." Cole muttered to himself walking towards the front door. He climbed down the porch steps and headed for his truck. "Thanks again Bobby." Yelled Harriet from the front door waving to him and watching him climb into his truck. He smiled tipping his hat to her then he revved up the car's engine, veered it around and drove off.

He was not happy when his phone started to ring but brightened up a little when he saw the caller. "Good news, good news, oh please let it be good news." He prayed inwardly before answering.

"Good morning doctor."

"Good morning Sheriff Cole. I assume you already know why I'm calling."

"Yep. So what have you got?"

"I'm afraid Cole it wasn't a suicide, most likely a murder."

Cole's heart skipped a beat as he received the news he had dreaded hearing. "Okay... how was he?"

"We haven't figured it out yet. You see it seemed like all the blood in his body was completely drained from him, leaving a dry husk behind. We discovered two vertically placed holes on the side of his neck and it seemed that it was through there he was drained of his blood. Not just drained. From the shape his body took it looked like he was sucked dry and honestly, I can't think of any known animal or machinery that's capable of doing that. Especially one that would be available in Silkfall."

Cole found himself massaging his forehead again. He was getting more and more stressed. "So what exactly are you saying doc?"

"I'm saying, that whoever or whatever is doing this is highly dangerous and you should approach with caution, lest you get hurt too."

Cole let out a sigh. "Fine doc. Thanks."

"Oh and Cole."

"Yes." He was practically growling by now.

"This incident is probably going to happen again so it's probably safer for everyone to stay clear of the park and the woods too since both are linked." Advised the doctor. "Kay doc, bye." He hung up quickly. No more bad news, please no more bad news.

It was unnecessary because a few minutes later he was informed that another body was found, this time not at the park but in front of a coffee shop. The victim was Lindsey Lou.



The class was noisy filled with all the chattering from the happy teens. The room felt a bit stuffy even with the windows wide open for ventilation and Bethany concluded that it was as a result of her classmates nonstop talking. She gave all of them glares, like they would even notice. But the reason for her annoyance went way beyond heat and noise, it was irritation caused by the fact that she was seated all alone with nobody to talk to. Paige was running late and she sitting there all by herself made her feel like a loser, she hated it. She noticed Drake, he was seated all by himself too and for a split second she felt the urge to go and talk to him but then she recalled their conversation the previous day and the urge died. She was probably the last person he wanted to talk to in the entire school and he seemed pretty interested in the book that he was reading.

She shook her head. Then remembering something she reached into her bag and retrieved the stone. Yes, the stone she had found under her bed the previous night. She had brought it to school so she could admire it some more, it looked even prettier in the sunlight.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

Bethany nearly flew out of her seat. An old woman smiled happily at her standing right next to her desk. "Who the heck are you?! You scared shit out of me." She said trying to regain her composure. "Finally, she sees us." There was another old woman standing in front of her desk. Where had she come from?! "Well it's about time." On the teacher's desk sat another old woman. Where did they all come from? It was like they had appeared out of thin air.

"I'm sorry what are you three talking about and what are you doing here? I know you don't work here because I've never seen you here before." Bethany had her hands on her hips. "We, are your spirit guides child." Said the first old lady who had brown hair. Bethany scoffed. "Yeah right and I'm Mary Queen of Scots. You three better leave before I call school security."

"And what if we don't want to leave." Challenged the old lady on the teacher's desk, she had fiery red hair and it seemed to match her personality.

"Don't listen to Flare, she tends to want to stir up a fight sometimes. We're just here to help." Said the last old lady calmly, she had blue hair. "Help with what?" Bethany's tone had risen. "Look I don't know who the three of you crazy ladies are, but you need to leave right now or I'll call the cops and lock you all up for harassment."

Suddenly there was an uproar of laughter from all around her and Bethany turned to see Margo filming her. She was a bit confused and was even more confused when Margo said. "Someone's going cuckoo."

Bethany was instantly filled with rage. "How dare you! And what's so funny."

Louise walked over to her, her face showed so much concern as she placed a comforting hand on Bethany's shoulder. "Bethany are you feeling okay?" She asked softly. "I'm fine it's these three old ladies that won't stop bugging me." Said Bethany angrily. There was another sudden burst of laughter from the entire class enraging her even more. Louise placed another hand on Bethany's shoulder. "Bethany, I need you to listen to me and don't feel bad but..." Louise smiled gently. "There are no old ladies in this classroom."

Bethany frowned in confusion. "What do you mean there are no old ladies in this classroom? They're standing right..." Bethany weakened. "There."

Louise was right, the ladies were gone and there was no one there. "But they were there, I saw them." The last part of her sentence came out in a whisper. She was uncertain whether what she had seen was real or a delusion. Had she really been talking to thin air, there was no way the women had been real if no one else had seen them.

"Somebody call 911 because Bethany Stone has lost it."

Louise scowled at the smart mouth and Bethany immediately bowed her head blushing profusely with embarrassment. Thankfully the teacher walked in at that very moment to begin the lecture. She slid the stone into her shoulder bag and got out her textbook more eager to learn than ever before.

All through the class she could hear her classmates snickering all around her and she could feel them staring at her making her very uncomfortable. Halfway through the class the snickering and staring became unbearable. "Mrs. Green!" She said a little louder than she had intended with her hand up. They were a few snorts from her classmates which she ignored. Mrs. Green turned around. "Yes Bethany."

"I think I'm coming down with something." Lied Bethany. "May I be excused to see the school nurse?"

Mrs. Green frowned. "Miss Stone, you look as healthy as a horse. I don't think a visit to the school nurse will be necessary." This was teacher speak for I know you're faking to get out of class so sit your butt back on your chair. "Mrs. Green I too think Bethany is sick." Margo spoke up with a look of mock sympathy. "I mean just a few minutes before you came in, she started arguing with thin air and I have the video to prove it. My dad says that talking to yourself for no reason is the first sign of the worst kind of illness, the mental kind of illness. My advice, she shouldn't waste her time at the nurse's office. She should walk straight to a hospital."

There was a rumble of laughter from the class and Mrs. Green shushed them. "Well if this is true Miss Stone, I'd better call your parents." She said her face shrouded with worry. "No need Mrs. Green." Said Bethany. "They probably won't answer. I'll just walk home," Then narrowing her eyes at Margo she added. "I'm sane enough to find my way back home."

There was another rumble of laughter as Bethany grabbed her shoulder bag and speed walked out of the classroom unknowingly dropping her charm bracelet as she did. She just wanted to escape from the shame, embarrassment and the small fear at the back of her mind that maybe Margo was right and she was losing it.

Late, late, late, I'm so late. Lola dashed up the school hallways, classes had already started, how had she overslept so much. She had missed the bus so she had to borrow her dad's old bike. She just prayed she wouldn't be caught by the hall monitor Mr. Connors and she seemed to have escaped him. Her class was only a few feet away, she was going to make it, she was going to... CRASH!

Both she and the person she had run into went flying to the ground. "Auuh!" Moaned the other girl, it was Shannon. She rubbed her elbow and gradually stood to her feet, dusting off her dress. "I'm so sorry." Apologized Lola quickly. "Here let me help."

She helped Shannon gather up her books and charm bracelets. "Nah it's my fault for not looking where I was going. I was in a hurry because I was late for class, you know." Laughed Shannon nervously collecting the stuff Lola had handed her except for one charm bracelet. "That's yours. I made it for you."

"Wow thanks." Said Lola appreciatively putting it on. "I love it."

"No prob." She pointed to the yellow stone that had fallen out of Lola's bag during the impact. "And I believe that's yours."

Just then Louise walked past them giving them both questioning looks which they both pretended not to see. Lola reached for the stone and shoved into the pocket of her jeans. "Thanks."

With that they parted, both headed for their various classes.


Ding! Dong!

The grandfather clock downstairs in the living room announced the arrival of another hour, meanwhile upstairs in her bedroom, Bethany lay on her bed unable to get any sleep. She had found herself like this ever since she had lain down to sleep, four hours ago. She tossed and turned and after shuffling some more in bed she gave up on getting some sleep.

"Just go get yourself a glass of milk." She told herself and headed out of her room. The minute she stepped out of her room, the first thing she noticed was the tall dark figure standing down the hall next to the top of the stairs. "Um... dad?"

The figure began walking towards her, its long cloak glided in the air behind him. She couldn't see his face and he was whispering something inaudible. "Daddy?" She repeated her voice shaky this time. It seemed like her heart froze when she heard the familiar sound of her dad's snoring coming from the room right next to hers. This meant the figure before was not her father and there was no one else who lived in her home that was that tall. She began slowly backing away and as she did, the figure began running towards her. She screeched and ran to her dad's room banging on the door still screaming, no answer. The figure was getting closer and she ran from door to door banging and screaming desperately yet surprisingly, there was still no answer from the within the rooms. When she got to the last room she tried banging and screaming for help once more, there was still no answer from within. She frantically attempted to open the door but it was locked. The figure was now only a few feet from her and she was cornered. It lunged towards her and she let out a loud scream.


Cole reloaded his shotgun, threw on his lucky hat and grabbed a flashlight. His mother was asleep and he could hear her heavy snores from where he stood in the living room. He smiled and began heading out. The minute he pulled open the front door, there was a flash of light and suddenly Bethany was standing in front of him. Their eyes met.

"What the-"