Love Maze?

[The Village of Kuno Dukedom]

She wished she could stay there all night and wait for the day. It seemed as though time had stopped; unless she looked down at her feet, she would be bound in her own thought eternally.

She turned around and glanced back at the windows. As she had expected, the wood did not crack. All sounds were drowned out by the dense blanket of spider webs covering it. She had the impression that the webs were being formed inside her ears. As if everything felt muted and far away, including her heartbeat, the torch's crackling, and Vivian's chirps. A few steps in front of her, Vivian leaped and vanished under the webbed ceiling in her bedroom.

"Vivian, the food was done." 

Once Vivian hears Isaiah's voice, she returns to her senses and leaves her room to face him. Once she was already in the kitchen, she saw a mushroom soup, rice, and meat with vegetables in it. Even the utensils were already organized.