A Barbarian

Sergey walked along the parhway, muffled in heat and dust. It has been three days since he has started this journey and every time he looked at the device, it seemed like the spaceship was going further and further away. A man who could be considered the size of giant, strode on. Sergey did stand at 6 foot 5 and weighed over 250 pounds. His face was covered in a cloth, only leaving the eyes to be seen. The last time he saw something alive was a Trusk and that was at least 12 hours ago. Sergey carefully sipped water when required and food remained a distant dream. Sergey was himself aware that he had not slept for 2 nights and his legs were not too bad. He was feeling the tiredness but that did not make him stop on his tracks. I could never do this on Earth, he thought. Walk a 100 miles without any sleep. There must be something in the air that is revitalizing me, he thought. Such a great yet strange planet, he thiught. There was not much life, nor water on this planet. The cycle of the planet, it must be .

Where are the Barbarians? wondered Archimedes . I have been waiting here for a very long time . They possibly could not have returned back . Archimedes waited with his gun pointed North waiting for the slightest noise, a rock to tumble, the horses feet straddling on the ground .There was nothing. He looked further up on the mountains. His Mother and sister were hidden in a cave that could not be easily detected under the sun, much less than in complete darkness. 
"Who are these people?" asked the younger sister. 
"These are the Barbarians," replied his mother. 
"Why are they hunting us mother?" she asked again. 
"Because this is their land and they think we are their enemies," her mother replied.
"Will they come here and harm us?" asked the younger sister who was getting seemingly worried. 
"Shut up," said the older sister. "Archimedes knows these lands as well as he knows anything else in this world. We will be fine, now keep quiet," she said to the younger one. 
Let me head down and see what it is, decided Archimedes down the hill. So he got on his horse and treaded down the hilly slope. He galloped down the hill, not noticing the bends of the hills nor the dangerous rocks.He very well could do it blindfolded. As he reached the foot of the hills he saw the the two barbarians decapitated. And in front of him were his own people in large numbers. 
"You are alright son?" said Zeno. 
Archimedes nodded. 
His dad was at the back of the pack and not to be seen. "The rest of them?" asked Archimedes. 
"They have arrived at the same place as these two,"said Zeno pointing at the barbarians. 
"Where are the rest of the family?" asked Zeno. 
"Hidden, well hidden in the hills," replied Archimedes. 
"Okay, go get them," said Zeno. 
"Where do we go from here?" asked Archimedes. 
"Our homes are ransacked," he said. 
"You can stay with us," said Zeno. "Until you are ready for elsewhere."
Archimedes nodded and went to get his mother and sister down. Zeno called for his father, who made his way to the front. "You have taught him well,"he said to his father.
"I do not think i have taught him anything, whatever he knows he has learnt it by himself."
"Is it true that he can ride a horse like the great Archimedes. Archimedes the one true Mountain king, his great grandfather?" asked Zeno . 
"Not likely," said the father of Archimedes. "A great man like are not often not seen."
Zeno looked at his father, "does he know who he is named after?". 
"No, we have not told him," his father said. 
Zeno sat firm on the horse, he said, "between you and me, I see the resemblance Theo. I see a lot of it, and I have hope and fear."
"My son," laughed his father chalking off the high expecations they had for his son as usual. No father wanted his son to step into too large a shoe, mainly out of fear. Fear for his own sons like and his own reputation.
"He is not destined for greatness, let him live his life out as a farmer, that is my greatest hope," said Theo.
"Theo, look around. What do you see?" asked Zeno. 
"I see our people," replied Theo
"No, you see the barbarians," Zeno said.
Theo was shocked. 
"That is what we have become, Barbarians . And yet our tongues have the audacity to call the natives, barbarians. We have overstayed our welcome here, Theo. We need to return home," said Zeno.
"Home? where?" asked Theo. 
"Yes," replied Zeno in a stern tone "Andora." 
Thoe was not very pleased with the possibility of returning to Andora. He did not smile nor frown, but surely hid hisntrue intentions.