Beginning of music lessons (1)

"Girls!!, desiree, Kara. time to get up"...

"Metcheew "I signed as I stretched my body. Kara isn't up yet.

"Kara"I called sleepy, "Kara mom's gonna come with a long whip so better get up now or it would be too late".

We went down for breakfast after brushing our teeth and wadhin our faces.

" you guys should hurry up with your food so we could start going before it'd 9 o'clock ". Said my mom, she's such a time keeper.

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"Kara lookout for my outfit "I said grinning from ear to ear, "how do I look? "

"Hmm, dress to kill, am sure those guys in your music class would go heels in high when they see you ".

"You're so crazy Kara ". I laughed.

.... .... .... .... .... .... ..... Me and my mom got to my music school after locating Kara's and jasper's coaching class.

Wow, this place is kind of cozy.

"Good morning Ma'am "...

"Good morning sir, this is desiree, my daughter I was telling you about. "Said my mom, I wasn't really ready for nice formalities now as I popped my head up to scan the faces of the students inside.

"Okay desiree,"i returned back to the present, "you can go inside "

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We got round the first period of voice training and humming.

It wasn't that bad as I thought it would be. during the break time I was already feeling elevated of the tensions and anxiety that took the better part of me.

I became familiar with some of the girls.... it just kind of stuck. maybe because I was a new student..... I thought so as I shrugged.

I was really shy when it got to one-one solo singing....

"Now you all know how to this huh?... So Dan, I think you will start this one out ". Said Mr Sunday our music teacher.

After Dan comes a girl until it got to my turn....

"Desiree I know you may not have done this before but anyway just try your best ".

I began to sing first with a low my mom would say "go along with the vibe ".... I went along with the vibe..

I opened my eyes after the last tremors has subsided to see so many wide eyes and mouth hanging. I smiled to my self.

"Wow desiree , that was unspeakable. "My teacher said.

As we close for the day, I already concluded that the music class wasn't really bad after all.

"Hey desiree, goodbye and see you tomorrow ".

"Yeah goodbye too "I said.

That was one of the students in the music class.

I got home at noon having so much fun, fell on the chair at the dining table to have my lunch.