Daily Life of Villain

[The Villain System]

[Host: Rex]

[Soul power collected: 5 ]

[jobs: Super Villain]

[Basic Status]

[strength: 3.1]

[Stamina: 4.0 /4.0]

[agility: 3.5]

[health status: healthy]

{ Author note: The thing to know is Strength in the System refers to overall body muscle strength and sturdiness of bones. Agility refers to flexibility and reactive time. Stamina is the time taken by the body to sustain its peak stats, like the time taken to run out of breath.}


I was peeking at my System status window while eating lunch at school lonely in corner of the classroom.

My Life on earth is going very smoothly. This time reincarnate as an orphan but got adopted by very kind and rich parents who think of me as a very innocent and kind-hearted boy and spoil me very much, from birth I had the charm of a villain. I guess being cute is justice was the right sentence. My father's name is Roy Williams and my mother's name is Serena Williams. They married late and couldn't have a child. So they adopted me when I was 4 years old. Being a billionaire's son doesn't help me regain my strength by any means as the earth doesn't have Qi or any other superpower.

So I had to start with Basic body training and kill some creatures to collect their soul, System has a function to collect souls from creatures killed by me and convert them to increase my basic stats. That's the only thing I have been relying on to overcome my human body limits it's one of the cheats I added to grow fast. Anyway away from other people's eyes, I have killed at least 100 animals, Yes you hear right animals, as I can't go on the massacre as even with the super body I will be dead if bullets hit me head on.

My parents were supportive of My interest in sports and martial arts, I learned karate, boxing, and taekwondo. My pocket money from my parents was spent on learning fighting styles and stats building, buying a chicken farm for collecting souls.

Looking at my stats my strength it's three-time stronger than the average adult. average human stats are less than 1.0. With this strength, I can easily kill 50 people who don't have modern weapons.

I am currently in Asia's biggest high school, I turn 17 just a month ago. My parents are in America for business.

As I said, I have villain charm and I am not boasting, I am quite handsome with black hair and golden eyes that make me look like a warrior from novels. My body is very muscular and with broad shoulders and big biceps, standing at a height of 6.4 inches. I also wear ear golden earrings in my right ear. I also have a gold necklace around my neck. Well, my job as a showing Super Villain is not for show as I am the leader of the biggest gang in Asia, Who operate things behind the scenes.

I conquered it on my birthday by washing the underworld in blood, I killed their big boss and destroyed two big gangs, many gangs declared me as their leader and they called me "Masked Devil", as I didn't want to reveal my identity I used a white mask with a smile drawn on it. Thinking of blood and the feeling of cutting flesh I had a grin on my face

Killing humans is effective as I got more soul power than killing animals. If I distribute my soul power evenly my improvement will be great.


School bell rang as its end of lunch break, others students took their sits. I don't have friends, others didn't even dare to glance in my direction, My style and looks scared them, they don't understand my charm. I look good with this style.

"attention students " our mathematics teacher said and started teaching new lesson.

All students were quietly listing and taking notes, Only talented and rich people could attend Genesis High School. I am so bored it is so easy for me that I can answer it in 10 different ways.

School continued in this manner till 5 pm. As bell rang I got up from my sit start packing my books. When I was about to go out of classroom teacher Devid called me to meet him in teachers staff room. He got out first as I followed him with bored look.

Going in teachers staff room their were also other teacher He greeted few and going over his desk he asked me" Do you know Why I called you?" he look at me with kind expression.

"No" I instantly answer. He is really annoying.

" Rex how many time I have to tell you to stop wearing cloths like delinquent, I know you not delinquent and you are from good family, At this age you should have make friends and enjoy school life, but because of your looks other are scared of you to even come close to you." He told me and start staring at me for my answer.

"Huh well they don't understand my Charm!" I replied with smug expression and feeling proud about showing off, Even neckless I am wearing is made of pure gold with market price 100k dollars.

'What the hell is he talking about and being so proud, by becoming delinquent think he look cool or something' thougth Devid while smacking his forehead with his right hand.

Looking at teacher I know he frustrated about it, but I have to go home and do some expirements in my personal lab and evening workout, So just let me go!

" Well sigh* It's last warning, you have to wear normal cloths or I will have call your parents" said Devid while making serious face.

What hell do you understand this Super Villain style old Man, I gritted my teeth, but I had to nod because he can really call my parents. Narrowing my eyes I was feeling little angry, I had urge to snap his neck and spilling is guts, but I control it.

"Ok very good, you can go now and You should make some friends, your only loner in classroom" said Devid with smile.

Without saying word I left, This school campus is very big as it always took me 30 minutes to go to parking lot. Taking out Key of my Sport car and clicking button on it my car made big sound.

Peep* peep*

I got inside and dove it at 70-80 Kmph speed to area were mansion and big houses can be seen, It was hilly regain with good background view and there forest and waterfall at back of mountain. Only rich and high status people live here.

Going in front big gate of my mansion security guard greeted me and opened the gate, mansion was on big for only child to live it and it has my hidden lab were I conduct top secret experiments.

There is also big gym of its own and the swimming pool, private shooting range

It has big hallways and special room for me and different area for servants to live.

Going in from front doors I was greeted by my butler who had work here for years.

" Good evening Young master, Please order me for anything you need" Butler kai said while greeting.

" Well I am going to train at gym, So don't let others come at that time and prepare my nutrient drink " I order the butler kai while throwing my bag to one of maid, gym is underground and I also created there a secret door leading to my lab.

" Yes young master" said the butler and hurriedly follow after me as I was already Walking by hallway.

Coming to stair leading to gym, I got inside while throwing my shirt at butler.

Opening the System I distributed my soul power evenly, Muscles on my body started aching and I was feeling that was warm all over my body, I could feel every Muscles in my body was under going reconstruction. After 5 minutes it stop. I called my basic stats up.

[The Villain System]

[Host: Rex]

[Soul power collected: 1 ]

[jobs: Super Villain]

[Basic Status]

[strength: 5.0]

[stamina: 5.0 /5.0]

[agility: 5.0]

[health status: healthy]

Now was time to test my body limits after upgrade.


Thank for reading, please write your comments If Grammar is wrong or you think it missing some thing, Please give me support