
After telling my butler I am going to rest and not to disturb. I quietly locked the the door, when checking my reaming soul power, I wanted to try something.

Soul power is the highest form of energy, I wanted to test if it can increase my energy stat. Clicking on add option I got a System message.


[?? Energy is increased by +10]

With that, I am out of soul power.


I Sneak out of the window of the bedroom.

I was wearing a black blazer and a white shirt, wearing my white mask. I started running on foot, it was not difficult with my stats now. Went from one city to another where one of my gang bases was located. when moving I saw that most of the streets and roads were empty, and the people going back and forth were small in number. Anyone I pass by only felt the strong breeze.

Running at high speed I could finely see a big casino in front of me, the casino was mostly empty and gang members saw me run toward to call their leader named Mr. snake. Mr. snake before submitting to me was working for his previous boss. Mr. Snake is a middle-aged man with 6.2 inches tall height with black hair and tattoos all over his body, he has fair skin and big muscles all over his body. Anyone will fear him just by seeing his muscles and he was also a good fighter.

"Boss I was just about to call you, this matter looks very serious, I also checked the internet, and not only that the mantis gang bastards are rebelling against us! " said snake with anger.

" Look like someone among them got the ability, if it isn't for that then they got no other reason" I calmly replied to him.

Well, It doesn't matter I was going kill of all of you today. As villain I have my own rules. I am not like them, all I do is small scale public property damage. Well not small. Anyway even in my previous life I have not done things this low level as them. I just wanted to use them, but after knowing all things about them, I am going to kill all of them.

These people are trash, they have criminal records on their names, and they have done everything from human traffic ,killing , kidnapping women, to low level things that you will not even think.

" So the news was true, people have awakened abilities in just night. So what should we do?" said the snake with a grim expression.

"Give me your katana" I commanded one member caring katana. Without paying him attention.

" Boss are we going to fight?, shouldn't we investigate them first," asked the snake seeing me taking the katana in hand.

Without talking I unsheathed the katana at lightning speed and sliced snaked head from his shoulder. As his big body fell, I sidestepped and all blood was splashed on the man who had given me his katana. All of them were now rooted on spot, daze seeing body.

[Soul power collected +0.1]

I silently counted them counted them. There were 30 members in front of me, and there should be more at back. Bashing katana at left side with force man was sliced vertical and body fell separately, half side fell to left and half at right.

Ahhhhhh scream the man from before.

Without even sparing a second they were trying to run toward exit at right. Running at inhuman speed I got in front of them and sliced another horizontally. Other person behind him pissed his pants and got on knees. Well I kicked his with round house kick and just like balloon get busted when needle touches his head also turn into mess as his body was thrown sideways and slide across floor.

Others looked at me with fear and started screaming, some brave one fired bullets after. But no bullet could touche my body as I could even see them moving and my body was reacting at unimaginable speed.

After all of there guns were empty, I killed then just in seconds. After that killing all remaining members.

" Its time to meet fellow awakened " I said with grin, I am going to capture him as test subject.

There base is just 1000 meters away, Running over took me 5 five minutes.

In front of me was big textile factory, I front of get were 2 guys talking while blowing smoke, Without them knowing I got inside at fast speed.

Ract leader of mantist gang was in empty section of factory, he was skinny type with dark skin tone with sharp blue eyes. I have already taken care of other's on way.

He had buckets of water around him and was skill fully manipulating it. Creating different shapes, he also was trying to manipulate more and compress it to create more stable shapes.

"You truly are talented, it no even been day that you got this power.Your are genius I must say" I was saying truth, his talent is on another level.

Most people who got ability are like noobs and I think some don't even know they got ability. Even government should be in trouble, thinking what to do about it. Most of soldiers and political leaders have also awakened.

Seeing me appear out of nowwehere, he was shock and started looking at me cautiously.

"Masked Devil, Seeing you standing there I know other outside dead "he said, But he was not fearing me and was speaking calmly.

"You look confident, you should have run away" I said while walking toward him and taking katana out, I was standing 30 meters away from him.

"You will not be able to touch me" he said and raised his hands up, water sphere was created around him which was spinning at fast rate.

" try it" smiling he looked at me.

Running forward at full speed I slash in horizontal circle. Katan was broken into species, but his face become pale , look like it took lot of his energy to block my attack.

Grinning ear to ear I took out my gun, and called him.

" idiot"

If you don't want to come out,I will just worn you out of energy then.


Chapters are going to delay from now, because of my exams are coming close.

Thank you for reading, have good day.