Annoying Hank

Hey!!!!get your disgusting hand away from her....I shouted at the top of my voice.

get behind me,sister Sarah....I said as I grap her hand and pull her behind me.

although I and the landlady have close since I started living here I haven't had the chance to hold her hand before.,.......her hand is sooo soft and moist ...I thought,I won't lie about having thoughts about her though(I even jerk off thinking of her sometimes).

you are here,Zac...she said seeing it was me that pulled her..

who are you,why are you defending her....Hank said.

I looked at the not even average looking man and thought....what shit luck does he have to marry a goddess like the landlady.

ah ah.....I've lived on this house for two years now and this will be the second time I've seen you,dumbass......I said.

I asked who you are .......Hank roared.

you are already divorced why are you disturbing her life again....I said,ignoring his question again.

who are you,brat....he roared again his veins almost busting out of his head.

I am her boyfriend,happy now......I said with a mocking smirk.

what!!!!!!!!.......he shouted.

boyfriend...ah....ah bitch,we only divorced six months ago you are already going out with a fresh meat....he said with a sad,self mocking smile(well that how his smile look to me.).

Zac,what are you doing......Sarah questioned behind me.

don't worry,sister Sarah let me solve this for you...I said with a reassuring smile.

okay.....she replied with a slight smile.

hey!! whatever is her own business,most she report to you? ...I said.

well.....I don't care if you are her boyfriend or not,am not leaving here without the divorce fee of 500000$...... he said.

ofcourse,we can do it another way.....ah.....ah....Sarah...I will killl your boyfriend before you,take all your money and eat your being a long time ......he said laughing insanely.

what is wrong with you Hank,it already over between us......Sarah said bravely but with a shaking legs as she bust in tears.

don't worry, sister Sarah,leave this rascal to me.....I will get him out in a minute......I said to the crying Sarah.

Amidst his Insane laughter Hank already launched his attack,which I dodge swiftly.

(don't even ask me about how I know how to fight year of being bullied In high school and a year in as a construction worker already hardened my bones, basically my strength as above that of normal human)

why are you so slow....I said as I reciprocate his attacks.

haven't you eaten today Hank.....put more effort Hank.....I said while beating him.

you fu**ker!!!! he cursed as he was making a run for his life.

After dealing with the annoying Hank,I walked towards the crying Sarah,who has been crying profusely since the beginning of the fight.

are you okay,sister Sarah.....I said

i am okay,thank you........she said.

you shouldn't think about it that much, assholes like him are naturally like that.....I said trying to comfort her.

thank you anyways, without you I won't even know what to do....she said as her crying get louder. should stop crying now,people that see us now will think I bullied you...I said with a cripy smile.