
Then you should know the consequences...he..he...I replied

I look at the five guys swinging their bats at me,though I wasn't confident that I could take on all five of them,am still pretty sure three won't be a problem.

before,I could react to their actions the mechanical voice rings again

"Ding"(hmm the host is in trouble)

"Ding"System task released

Task--use your fist to solve the problem


Rewards--iron fist boxing techniques.

a bottle of body strengthening liquid.

hahahahahaha......I guess God is on my side,you guys are Soo dead...I thought

okay .....let do this .....I said maintaining a somewhat stable fighting posture.

you guys should be fast,I have a date.....ohh..you guys should come together eehh ...let not waste time.

as they rushed towards me I began to gather all my energy onto my fist,well I was able to take on three of them with my fist alone,I started deliberating if I could use hand of ecstacy as my weapon.

I activated the skill and touched one of the guys on his neck I was shocked the next second he grabbed his companion trying to make out with him in public.

well,I guess this works faster in men than women......I muttered

I turned to Sarah who was standing not far from me dumbfounded and gave her a seductive wink and walk towards Hank.

please... please don't come near me....I will never come near her again please don't come near me.....he kept pleading.

get out of here ....I said to him coldly.

hahahaha,you injured Mr Crowley's people,they will find you hhhahhahaha your peaceful days are over hahhahhhahhha..,...... he said with a maniac laughter while making a run for his life.

well.....I don't care....I muttered

"Ding"congratulations host for completing the task '

"ding"does the host wish to learn the ""iron fist boxing techniques ""

(yes) (no)

" ding"a bottle of body strengthening liquid has been delivered to the system inventory.

immediately I choose yes I felt my brain bombarded with series of information about boxing which In turn make me dizzy.

are you okay ....are you hurt.....Sarah said worriedly

am okay....I replied with a smile.

let go,don't let them ruin the mood.

she nodded and got into the car.

FIDEL MALL one of the biggest mall in midway city and America in whole as over a thousand stores with cooperations with world leading brands like Chanel,LV,Dior etc

Good Afternoon,sir and madam,welcome to Chanel.

A young lady of about 1.67m with a beautiful face and an amazing figure not loosing to Sarah except for her slightly immature aura greeted as we entered the Chanel store in the mall.

can you please,introduce some latest designs..... ...I said .

yes sir....she replied with a smile

this is ..........

Heyyyyyy!!!!!!this is the Chanel store not some road side stall,the minimum amount you can spent here is enough for your worthless lifetime.......and I thought you salesman should know the rich when you see one......hmmmf ,does he look even average to you except for that handsome face........a voice said from the back.

I look back and see a lady with heavy make up,tall and thin holding the arm of an obesed middle age man wearing Armani suit and leather shoes.

looking at her my mouth crooked into an uneven smile.

hmmmm....how do you know I can't afford the clothes here......I said.

haha.....are you asking me....she said measuring me from head to toe.

a top of less than twenty dollars and an unrecognizable goods, ofcourse those sneakers,you must have been wearing them since when you are a kid hahahahha... everything on you does not even sum up to a hundred dollar hahhha....bumpkin.........she said.

sigh...you are right,but I don't think my clothes are dirty or anything,they might not be expensive but they are neat......I said looking at her face that was bormbarded with heavy makeup.

hmmm .....you stink ....I said

you ....ah...you just said I stink bumpkin look at yourself ....you are the one that stinks your whole family stinks .......she cursed.

ahhhh...someone should get these bumpkin out.......she roared.

you should get the hell out of here,before I call the security on you,this is not a place for poor people.....one of the saleswoman said

miss cooker,I truly apologize for the behavior of my colleague, she's new,as the gold member of our store,we will make sure to serve you to satisfaction......she said

should we get out of here.....Sarah said to me


"Ding"system task released

Task--become a supreme level member of the store

Rewards ---Lamborghini Urus(SUV)

10× rebate card

*note*10× rebate card when used will return ten times the amount the host spent.

sigh ..seems the system can read my mind....I muttered

I turned to the saleswoman that received us first

ahem ..miss,can I know your name please!