Ohara's disappearance

A few moments before Kuzan and sakazuki arrived near where Ohara island was. Saul the former vice admiral of marines, found robin who was crying infront of a woman who he knows well, robin asked her while crying tears slowly coming out of her eyes "Are you my mommy?" Remembering all those years of loneliness she felt, all those years she suffered and now the woman who she thinks mother is finally infront of her. Although she suffered so much without her mother. She never blamed or hated her. She just wants her mother's love like any child. Tears flowing from her eyes was it tears of joy of having finally met her mother or tears of sadness of remembering her past no one else but herself knows what was going in her mind. Yet the word she most wanted hear from the woman infront of her didn't come instead the woman said

"you must have mistaken me for someone else" olvia thought to herself 'Forgive me robin.. i don't want you to be a daughter of a criminal ' with a bitter smile on her face. If one could observe closely her hands were shaking, tears were threatening to come out of her eyes but she couldn't do that. Not to her daughter who she left when she needed her mother the most.

"I'm ROBIN!!" she said while crying at the same and shouted at olvia "Even though I'm bigger, you really don't remember me? i have always waited for you to come back!!". Hearing this olvia finally broke down. She couldn't hold herself back from crying anymore.

"Some day i would just like to go on a walk with you, holding your hand!... I- I spent all this time studying... I became an Archaeologist! I can read the poneglyphs too!!" Everyone one was shocked when they heard that she could read poneglyphs. The very thing they sacrificed their lifetime to study, was accomplished by no one but An eight year old child Nico Robin.

"So can we be together, mother?!"

"Robin!" crying, olvia muttered.

"I don't want to be alone anymore!!" robin screamed on top of her lungs.

Robin then reached out to her crying mother and held her hands while she too was crying. They both looked at each other, robin said "i always wanted to do this *sobbing*.. Always!". Then a small, warm smile appeared on olvia's face. She then hugged robin immediately and both mother and daughter started crying hugging each other.

Professor clove came towards them and said weakly

" It's all my fault robin!.. Is it true that you can read poneglyphs?! ... If only i had known this sooner."

"I'm sorry i-.. I really wanted.." before she could reply olvia said with a warm smile " I'm very surprised that you are able to read them. You studied hard, didn't you?

It's not an easy thing to do. I'm so proud of you robin!"

"mmm" muttered while crying.

"Fortunately nobody except us knows about this. This shouldn't get out of here no matter what!! You guys get it!! " He yelled towards his fellow scholars. All of them replied with a nod. Just then saul who was watching all of this suddenly shouted " You have to get out from here" Both olvia and robin recognised him. "the marine battleships are coming towards the island. You have to run away!!" When Olvia wanted ask him something a voice came behind from where the explosion happened a while back.

"No need to run away from this Island. Even if they bring thousands of battleship they won't be able to get on this Island." A proud yet child like voice, it was none other than Escanor!

Everyone looked towards where the voice came from.

Olvia instantly recognised him from before. She knew he was the one who saved them from W.G and he was the cause of the destruction. She asked him "What do you mean?" although she does not trust him fully, somehow she couldn't help but trust his words.

"This is how" A small earth quake occured. Everyone was surprised but even more surprised when the island started moving at a slow pace.

Everyone who felt this, saw and are experiencing it were utterly astonished. They could see the marine battleships were moving backwards but yet everyone knew that it wasn't the marine battleships moving backwards, but them or specifically the island moving.

Saul who saw this couldn't help but feel relieved for a moment. He then turned towards the kid who appeared and couldn't help but say"Thank you!". He didn't know why but he felt he was the one who saved them.

Everyone else also expressed their gratitude. Many of them were also crying, they were really close to get wiped out. Fortunately they lived another day and they couldn't help but be thankful to their saviour. Though some doubted his words but they were too busy sorting out their emotions than doubt the kid.

Kuzan pov

' We were going towards ohara one moment and the next it disappeared like it never existed before. I go towards where ohara was supposed to be but there was nothing there. A few seconds later vice admiral sakazuki also came towards me. Oh man he looks pissed like someone took his candy. Ugh what a pain in the ass. I should have just stayed in the headquarters lazing around. Whatever, what's the point in complaining anymore let's just go back. And i should probably inform Admiral sengoku too. Agghh seriously what a pain!'

sakazuki pov

'Those devils needs to be destroyed. Criminals cannot be left alive. Why is it taking so long for them to request buster call? should i just give orders, hmm? No i would probably be reprima-' Just then i heard an loud noise of something exploding, i look towards it ' That's where cp9 were supposed to be. What happened? ' but the after just few moments later something happened that i would have never expected. Ohara disappeared right infront of me. 'How is that possible?!'. I immediately reached where ohara was supposed to be. When i reached there, the island was gone. Kuzan was also there, with that carefree look on his. Tch never like that bastard!. I questioned him, but it looks like even he doesn't know what happened. Tch....No matter where they escape I'll find them and incinerate everyone of them'.

Marine headquarters, Marineford.

Admiral Sengoku was cleaning up the mess one of his subordinate, former vice admiral, Jaguar D saul made.

He betrayed the marines and let one of the criminal run away and he himself also left on duty and escaped somewhere. He was pretty pissed about the stunt saul pulled off. Just then his den den mushi rang "puru puru.. puru puru ....puru puru pu- gacha". He picked it up . The voice came from the other side, it was Vice admiral kuzan.

"Sengoku-san, there's a problem."

Sengoku pov

'Huh? there's a problem? what could it be?

" what is it?"

"Ohara, the island, it disappeared!" said kuzan

" Whaatt??!! Ohara disappeared?? how did it happen ?!

what were you guys doing?!" i yelled at him. But then i thought how could an island just disappear. That too infront of so many eyes. Something is wrong.

"I don't know, an explosion happened where cp9 where supposed to be and a moment later the island, it just disappeared infront of our eyes." kuzan replied. ' Aaggh those geezers are gonna eat me alive for this'. Just when i thought it couldn't get worse, the most annoying guy came in laughing. "bwahahaha, What happened Sengoku, you look annoyed and frustrated ?". The headache i never wanted came in by himself. 'Ok let's calm down.' Then i explained to him what happened, but as i expected- " bwahahaha good thing it disappeared now nobody can ever try to destroy that island in the name of justice ever again". 'Even though his tone was a joking one , i knew he meant that when he said that. Vice Admiral Monkey D Garp, My most trusted fellow marine, my friend with whom I've been in countless life and death fights against pirates. The hero of the marines who caught The Pirate king, defeated the legendary rocks pirates, he more than anyone hates W.G or rather their way of serving justice.

That is one of the reasons he never accepted the role of an Admiral. Well that's beside the point, now what to do with ohara.'

"Kuzan search the area around the island. It should be there, an island cannot disappear just like that unless it was a devil fruit user. Keep searching until i giver further orders"

"Okay" *click*

I sit down and rest my head hown on the seat

' Now how do i explain this to those elders. They might have already got the news. What a headache '.

Mariejois, Pangaea castle.

In the room of authority all the Five elders were present. The atmosphere was tense. A few minutes ago they got the news that Ohara has disappeared along with it's residents. This was not supposed to happen. Everything was perfect, their plan was perfect but somehow the island disappeared. Everyone thought the same thing ' Someone knew about our plan beforehand! Question is who? And the real problem, Who helped them? and how?' Nobody knew the answer.

One of the elder with long white moustache and long white hair then spoke up "It should be some type of devil fruit ability that let's them hide something or make it invisible. They should be in the same place, unless they somehow knew how to move the island.

Order them to keep searching!!" ' we'll eventually find it!' he thought . 'Im-sama will not be happy hearing this news' *sigh.

A/n: Just gonna mention that since i don't know if east blue and west blue connects through calm belt or not but in this fanfic I'm gonna make it that way. since there is no other way to reach east blue other than going over grand line, which is just not possible.

Meanwhile, Ohara was going towards the calm belt between West blue and East blue.

Everyone was Inside Library of ohara including Escanor. Everyone was silent waiting for answers from the young kid infront of them. Robin was stuck to her mom and hugging her all the time like a koala. Olvia on the other hand was also expecting answers from the kid. Escanor stood there and out of nowhere he got an axe in his hand, lifting his head up high in pride, looking at everyone and seeing that they want answers he finally spoke

"I know you guys might have many questions to ask, but before that let me introduce myself..."

He then slowly started to grow in size, his shirt was torn. His muscles bulging. Now he stood taller than anyone in the room. He lifted his divine axe rhitta and kept it on his shoulder, and then he lifted his hand up, pointed his finger up. Looking down on everyone he the continued

"I am the one who stands at the pinnacle of all clans. I am The Lion's Sin of Pride,"



A/N: Do you guys like these long chapters around 2000 words or short chapters around 700-800 words. Do let me know.

Also i want know if you want the mc to have dual personalities?

Like during the day he will be prideful like escanor and during the night when his sunshine isn't in affect,

his personality will be like saitama's. How about that?

Do let me know