A Devil fruit!!
I wonder how it got here. It looks similar to Hercules, is it just a coincidence? Anyway, let's head back. They have also finished their training. I guess it's time to leave this island.
I thanked Hercules and went back to where Olvia and Robin are. I informed them that we will leave in two weeks.
------Flashback end-----
Hercules with his family also came to say goodbye to us. He looks sad that I am leaving. The days I spent with him was joyous and beneficial. He got stronger compared to when I first met him. I am not worried that he will be in danger if I am not here, I am confident that no harm will come to him or his family. He's after all, the strongest insect on this island right now.
When Robin and Olvia saw him for the first time they were ready to fight him. Looks like all those months of battle honed their instinct to some extent. They knew they couldn't win but they weren't afraid of him. But before they could fight I intervened and explained to them about my new friend. They were surprised but overcame it very quickly. They were accustomed to it.
Robin and Olvia are already on the ship and we're ready to leave. whereas I am bidding farewell to my friend.
"Don't worry Hercules, I will come back one day and we will live together from that day onwards. So until then take care of your family. And I expect you to become stronger than you are right now. Goodbye, my friend!"
I waved at him and got on the ship. Looking at my crew mates who were eager to get out of this island I said
"Let's Go!! Towards where our destiny awaits us"
-------2 weeks later---------
It's been around 2 weeks since we left, Uuumm Let's call it Insect island. Yeah, that sounds good. We've only come across one village after we left Insect Island. We only stayed there for one day. Nothing notable happened during these two weeks. I've been lazing around, Robin like always reading something, and Olvia is the one who mostly controls the ship.
As I was daydreaming like always I heard Olvia calling me. What happened? Why is she calling me? As a good kid who always listens to adults, I walked toward her.
"What is it? "
"A pirate ship is approaching us."
Oh! A pirate? hmm, it's been a while since I beat up some of them. But maybe I should leave them to Olvia and robin to deal with them. That would be enough to gauge their power. Robin also came out when she heard us talking.
"Let's see, You both should test your powers by engaging them in combat. How does that sound"
"Sounds good" Olvia responded with a glint in her eyes
Robin also looked excited. Shit did I change her personality by training her too much? Ugh, I'll think about it later. Oh looks like the group has arrived. Shall we start the party?
The pirate ship got close to us and they started jumping onto our ship. There are quite a lot of people.
"Kill the man, keep the woman and the child alive"
"Yes Captain"
The captain looks quite strong for someone from east blue. But not strong enough. The pirates started laughing and grinning licking their lips while looking at Olvia and robin.
"Captain, this one here is quite a beauty. Can we have her for ourselves?"
"You idiots hurry up we have to get out of here before 'they' can get here" The Captain looked a bit scared.
Who is he scared of? There are not many people who can make him scared on this sea. I looked in the direction he came from. 'Oh, so that's why.'
Before the pirates could move forwards, hands started to appear on each of them and started knocking them out almost immediately. They didn't even know what happened. Whereas the captain was fighting Olvia, she was butchering him. He lasted for a minute then got knocked out. All in all, it was disappointing to say the most. After we finished dealing with the remaining pirates 'they' also arrived. I wonder what is 'he' doing here.
As I was wondering a burly man who looked quite strong appeared from the ship. He looked to be around 50-60 years old. He wore a puppy mask that covered his face.
Yes, it was none other than the marine hero, Garp the first.
Although Olvia might not have recognised him because of the mask he's wearing, he should have recognised her. He looked at her for a moment then turned towards me and Robin. He then looked around, he saw pirates knocked out. He then looked at us
"Are you the one who knocked them out? He asked looking at me. He thinks I am the one who knocked them out. I can probably guess what he might say next.
"No." He didn't look surprised. He then turned toward Robin and asked her the same question. Robin looked at me for a moment then nodded her head.
" You are strong for a kid but not strong enough to travel the sea." He stopped for a moment then turned to look at Olvia and asked her "How is saul? Is he fine?
Olvia wanted to refuse that she knew saul but it looked like he already knew about saul.
" He is fine Old man. He wanted to come with us but he knew that he'll be attracting more trouble if he came with us. So he stayed back"
"Bwahahaha you brat, I'm still young to be called an old man. What is your name?"
"Old man I'm not a brat. I'm the one who stands at the pinnacle of this world, I am the Lion's sin of Pride, Escanor D grace!" I added the d in my name just to see this old man's expression. Hoh, he looked surprised. It was for a second but he hid it instantly.
"Bwahahaha You brat!! You claim that you are the strongest in this world? bwahahaha, Let's have a battle kid. Let's see if what you're saying is true or not!"
"Sure" This should be fun hahaha
"Escanor!" Olvia looked worried. She walked towards me and said in a worried tone " I know you are strong Escanor but be careful" Looks like Olvia also recognised him.
"hahaha, don't worry Olvia-san. I take pride in my strength but I'm not arrogant. I know he's strong but not strong enough!" She sighed at my words and just left to stand beside her daughter.
The marines on his ship also looked surprised. One of them asked Garp "Vice admiral garp, He's a kid. He might be just blabbering you don't need to take him seriously"
"No, this kid is strong! Stronger than any of you. I'll make him a marine after I beat him up. I'll show him my fist of love."
Garp pov
I was returning from Grand line to meet my Grandson.
But I got information that some pirates are close to where I am. As I chased them they seemed to stop at another ship. I thought maybe they were taking hostages thinking that they cannot escape from us.
I must say I was surprised that a kid took down all those pirates. She is strong for a kid. I should ask her to join the marines is what I was thinking before I saw her. Nico Olvia, A wanted criminal who is a threat to W.G, just because she was a bit more curious than others. And Saul, who helped her to escape. I am sad that he betrayed the marines but I am not angry because of the reason for his betrayal. He is a gentle Giant hahaha. I wonder what is he doing now.
I asked her bluntly about saul, it was just a guess but looks like I got it right from looking at her facial expressions. But the one who answered was not her but the kid who was silently observing me. 'Huh? This kid!' I narrowed my eyes and looked at him. 'No way! I have to confirm it!' I asked him for his name and the answer I got was surprising, to say the least. 'Hahaha as expected from the holder of the will of D. Last time I felt this way was when I was fighting against 'that' guy.
I wanted to fight him and he accepted my challenge. The pipsqueaks behind me were uncertain about this brat. Hehe if only they knew they wouldn't even last a second against him. Although I said I will beat him up, it's gonna be tough.'
That was what he said but at that time Garp didn't know what kind of monster he was facing. Soon he will know it the hard way.
A/n: I have done my best to depict Garp's personality.
I have repeatedly gone through a lot of clips of garp to properly understand his personality. I am sorry if this doesn't match his personality but I will try my best to improve. If you find this fanfic interesting please keep reading.
I know the update is a bit inconsistent as of now but soon I will start releasing chapters regularly.
Thank you~