
The beginning after the end

Authors Pov

A young man could be seen sitting next to a window with a far gaze thinking about something, he looked troubled.

"Sigh!, looks like my time is near, I just hope mom and dad won't be too sad when I'm gone

and Molly too am gonna miss that puppy"

The young man went back to his bed and laid down, the vigor he had before was slowly slipping away.

" Here we go, I wonder what the afterlife looks like". His eyes slowly closed followed by his heart rate dropping to zero, the life of the young man drifted away not knowing he was going into an adventure he never thought was possible.

*Somewhere in a void*

[W- Where am I?]:???

[It's quite dark here, is this the void? I-I died and this looks like those cliche moments when a ROB appears and speaks about reincarnation]

As the soul was trying to figure out what was going on the void he was in disappeared and got replaced by a beautiful scenery of a grassland that seemed to have no end.

???: "Hello there child!" said a figure clad in light too bright to see any of his features.

[H-Hello, great place you got here]

The figure was surprised by how calm the mortal in front of it was, usually, some are very

excited while others are quite warry when they appear in his abode.

???: "Hahahaha, indeed it is my realm after all". The figure was amused by the mortal in front

of it.

[So what's going to happen to me]:

???: "Well child let's just say you are either lucky or unlucky to get chosen by the council of

GODS to try our new reincarnation process, so as an apology you get a system of your

choosing and 2 wishes".

A/N: (I'll be using () when mc is thinking to himself and [] for his dialogue)

(Hoooo! seems like it's a coincidence I was chosen or was it, never the less I don't really

know what these GODS are up to and refusing now doesn't look like a good choice.)

[So where am going and can I wish for anything]:

???: "Well you'll reincarnate in marvel and yes you can choose any wish except for the three


[Marvel, that's a big and complicated Universe I wonder if OAA is in their Council]:

The soul started brainstorming for all the powers he needs to survive the chaotic mess he got thrown into, after 5 minutes of silence he answered.

[For the system, can I have the gamer system but with a shop where I can buy skills and items

also make it so that it has upgrade points that I can use to upgrade my skills]:

???: " It shall be so, now for the wishes. Remember you can't have the three omnis"

[Right, well first I wish for unlimited potential, second, I wish to hide from all the prying


???: " Good choices I can already see some baldies having a hard time looking for you.

Well then child Goodluck and don't forget to have fun"

The soul disappeared from the God's realm onto a new adventure he could never have

dreamed of