Strange dreams

Help!!! help!!! she cried and shouted but all to no avail. She ran as fast as she could, but it seems like she was running in circles. All she could only see was darkness.Darkness swallowed the entire place and she couldn't even tell where she was at that moment. Finally she saw light from afar. She tried her best to run towards it, but before she could get there, she felt strong hands pulling her backwards, It was preventing her from getting to the light.

She was sweating profusely because she tried her best to get loose from their grip but she couldn't. She noticed the presence of a female in the light, she wore a white garment and her hair was all white, she looked like an angel sent by God to rescue her.

Come to young lady and I will rescue you, the strange woman said. Kiara tried her best to get loose from their grip. When she finally did and was about to touch the woman, she felt a sharp pain in her head. She felt warm liquid falling to her face, then she noticed that it was blood.

She screamed for help and then she woke up from her nightmare. Her heart breathing accelerated, she was sweating profusely to the point that her pajamas were soaked. She took sometimes to recover. Don't be scared Kiara, it was only a dream. She said to herself. She knew that she was very afraid because ever since she clocked 18 years, which was 2 months ago, She has been having this dream consecutively. Every night the nightmare becomes more clearer, scarier, and complicated. Kiara decided that she was not going to discuss her nightmare with anyone including her best friend, Qwen.

She is scared that if they found out , they will be scared of her. So Kiara decided to be secretive and only write about it in her diary. She had this dairy ever since she was 10 years. It was a gift from her father.

The dairy is a big book consisting of over 10,000 pages . It has a pink hard cover with a picture of the rainbow and a lock. She always kept the diary locked because she had a lot of personal information in the dairy. She took the key closet and opened the dairy. She sat on the bed with the dairy in between her legs. She wrote;

Dear dairy, like always my nightmare is back again. This nightmare keeps on occurring every night and last night was not exceptional. Last night dream was even more scarier than the previous nights. I was in a very dark place and I saw strange creatures who didn't look like human chasing me. I wonder who they was. I ran as fast as i could but it felt like I was running in circles.At last I saw light from afar, but the strange creatures didn't want me to enter the light. I also wonder who the woman on white was, it felt like she was an angel telling me to come to heaven but those creatures didn't want me to go, but why ?

But before she could finish up, there was a knock at the door, she quickly covered her diary, locked it and kept it in her drawer. She quickly wore her robe and open the door, It was her dad, Mr Lucious Clen . Mr Lucious is Kiara father, he is tall, handsome and has broad shoulders.He has a muscular body and a dark short curly hair. He was breath talking. He works as a doctor in a governmental hospital. He is a surgeon in the hospital and works all day long. He leaves the house by 6:00am for work and returns in the evening by 9:00pm while sometimes he ends up not coming home.

He spends little or no time with his daughter because he works from Monday to Saturday. He is often less busy on Sundays but sometimes when both of them are together, he often gets called from the hospital.He leaves her if there is an emergency at the hospital that needs his attention urgently. Sometimes, he ends up dropping her off at her best friend house ,Qwen Lynn. Qwen lives with her mother, Miss Sora Lynn. Qwen and Kiara have been friends since they were 5 years. Qwen's father died when Qwen was 5 years old.

He died while he was traveling to China for working purpose. The plane he boarded was involved in a fatal plane crash and then he died. Qwen grew up with her mom and had little information about her dad. Sora did her best to provide everything Qwen needed so she won't lack anything. Mr Lucious and Sora were also best friends and working mate but Sora works as an obstetrician.

Dad come in, she said. He enters the room and greets her. Good morning darling, good morning dad and how was your night, she replied. It was fine but too short, Lucious said. She chuckles. I heard you screaming a while ago, what made you screamed dear. It was nothing dad, I thought I saw cat at my window. She lied.