What is wrong with me???

Kiara was dumbstruck and she didn't understand what was going on. She was even sweating more and her clothes were getting soaked.

"Please who sent you and what is your name". Kiara asked.

But before she could hear a reply. The woman disappeared and everything returned back to normal. The light disappeared and it was as if nothing happened. She was dumbstruck and surprised. An "O" formed in her mouth. She tried saying something but no words came out of her mouth.

"Omg!!! what just happened". Kiara asked.

She felt so scared and there was no words to describe how she felt. She didn't know what to do at that moment. She just stood like a statue and stared at the place the woman

"So now I have a guiding angel assigned to me and protect". She said to her self. "What is even wrong with me? why are all these strange things happening to me? I promise my dad and myself that I will move on and forget about all these strange things but why are they hunting me". Kiara said to herself while she cried out.

"Why do I have this strange feelings that everything that I am going through right now is connected to my mom and her family, Why did that man made mention of her, what is the mystery about the Yong's family"? Kiara cried while murmuring to herself.

"But I will be strong and i'll face my fears. I won't be afraid of anything and anyone because I made a promise to my dad to live my life as if it were my last and not to let anyone or anything bother me. I will conquer my fears because my name is Kiara Clen.

"Beep beep" Kiara's phone suddenly rang. She was so lost in her thought that she didn't even notice her phone was ringing. The phone rang again for the third time that was when she realized that her phone was ringing. It was Qwen calling. She answered the call.

"Hey Kiara, I have been calling since but you didn't reply, I hope you are not crying or thinking about the things that should not be thought of". Qwen asked.

"No I'm not, I was busy arranging my room that I did not notice when the phone rang". Kiara replied.

"Okay nice, I called you because Rex said he wants to accompany us to the party and he also wants to talk to you. I told him that he could come but I don't know if you will approve of it". Qwen said.

Kiara was not in the right state of mind and the last thing she would do is to start a conversation with Qwen about Rex. Even if she didn't want Rex to accompany them but she had no choice but to allow him because she didn't want Qwen to be angry and she didn't want them to have a long conversation either.

"Hmm...Kiara are you there". Qwen asked.

"Yes I am, I was just thinking about what you said". Kiara replied.

"Okay, So what is your response". Qwen asked.

"Of course he can come but both of you should not turn it into a date or else I will leave". Kiara replied.

"Thanks Kiara, I will inform him. Have gotten the clothes you want to wear to the party ready"? Qwen asked.

"No I have not, I'll wait for you so we can prepare together". Kiara replied.

"Okay, I will be back soon". Qwen concluded.

"Nice". They ended the call.

Kiara went to the bathroom to freshened up wash her face because her face was looking pale due to all the crying. After she was done, She went to her room and laid on her bed. She engaged herself with her phone until Qwen arrived.

Few minutes later

"Ding dong"!!! the bell rang.

"I am coming". She replied.

She opened the door and Qwen entered with a smile on her face.

"I am so happy and I want to share my happiness with you". Qwen said with a happy look on her face.

"Really!!! What is making my bestie so happy...? Kiara asked curiously.

"Hmm....Rex kissed twice today". Qwen replied.

Kiara was so shocked and she had a "what the heck" look on her face.

Seriously!!! Qwen...You are so happy because of a common kiss. Kiara told her while she knotted her brows.

"Isn't that enough reason for me to be happy? It has been a while since I even hugged him and now he kissed me. I am so happy and it felt like I am swimming in a chocolate fountain with strawberries in it.

His lips were so soft and tender. It was so warm and I had the best experience ever. His kiss was so gentle and slow, he made sure he tasted every part of my lips. His tongue played with mine and I felt like giving my self to him and ripping his clothes off. But I decided that is better if I take it slowly because I want my first night with him to be the best like my first kiss". She replied with she blush

"Yawns, so romantic". Kiara replied sarcastically. "But just remember that your relationship with Rex is none of my business. Why don't you take it step by step rather than you rushing into it".

"Why do you always have a disgust look on your face anytime I talk about Rex...you always make me feel that you are against my relationship with Rex". Qwen asked with a disappointed look.

"I don't...? Kiara replied.

"If it is jealousy, I think it is better you stop it because it is not going to be of any benefit". Qwen told her while her expression remained the same.

"Whatever...let go and prepare for the party, it getting late. Kiara replied.

Qwen ascended the stairs to Kiara's room without replying her.