Vacation 1

"Okay sir, they replied.

"Hmmm...mum....can I go along with Rex...hmm we want to go somewhere but we will be back soon". Qwen asked.

"Really? isn't it too is already 7:00pm". Sora replied.

"Mum...please can we go, we promise to be back before 9:00...please". Qwen pleaded.

"Sora...please just permit them. You know that they just started dating". Lucious said.

"Okay whatever, but make sure you guys come home early". Sora replied.

"Thanks mum...and also you Mr Lucious". Qwen said happily.

"No problem". They replied.

They left the auditorium. Sora and Lucious entered Lucious's car while Qwen and Rex entered Rex's car. Sora stopped at her house while Lucious went straight home.

Few minutes later Lucious arrived home unfortunately for him he didn't see Kiara at home. He tried calling her phone but all to no avail. Her phone was switched off but he kept on trying. After calling her for the 8th time he got tired and gave up while he just hoped that she will come back soon.

He took his bath and wore his pajamas and went downstairs. He called Sora and asked about Qwen. He was told that she was already at home. He waited for Kiara for more than an hour then he fell asleep on the chair he sat down while he was watching a movie to keep himself distracted and busy.

Few minutes later, Kiara stepped into the house and she noticed that her dad was sleeping and she felt so sad that he waited for her till this time.

She went straight to her room to freshen up. She took her bath and wore her favorite pink pajamas. She was feeling very sad and emotional because she went to her secret place to think about her mum and her life. She was feeling very tired and fell asleep.

"Ding dong"!!! her alarm rang. She switched it off because she was so tired and wanted to sleep some more. But before she could sleep back she felt an aroma penetrating in her nose. She knew her dad was preparing breakfast.

The morning sun from her window poked into her eyes immediately she opened her eyes. The birds were singing melodiously and the trees and plant also danced. She felt so alive because this was the first time she had a good sleep with no weird dreams. She danced around her room and she was so happy until she noticed her dad's presence.

Her dad's mood was neutral, he was neither happy nor sad. He just remained calm and quiet as we watched her dance around her room.

"". She greeted while she stammered.

She was so scared because she knew that her dad was really angry with her because she came home very late and no one knew about her whereabouts.

"Is that how to greet". Her father asked.

"Am sorry dad? Good morning and how was your night". She greeted.

"It wasn't fine because of you". He replied.

" sorry". Kiara replied.

"I don't have time to address the issue because I have to go to work now and you also have guest waiting for you downstairs". Lucious told her as he left her room.

"Okay...thanks dad".She shouted so he could hear her.

She quickly ran into the bathroom. She took her bath as fast as she could. She didn't know why but she was feeling very and excited today.

She wore a short pink shirt with a very big blue jean trouser that matched the shirt.

She packed her hair into two pony tails at each side of her hair and braided the tip of the hair she packed and wore white sneakers. She was looking beautiful like always.

After she was done with her dressing, she went downstairs so she could see her guest and have a taste of the food that woke her up. Immediately she reached downstairs, she realized that her guest were her best friend and her boyfriend.

"Good morning Qwen and Rex".She greeted.

They also noticed her presence and greeted her back.

"What do I owe this visit so early in the morning". Kiara asked.

"Don't we have the right to visit you". Qwen asked.

Qwen was still angry with Kiara but she wanted to forget about it because she was not the kind of person to keep grudges.

"You do but I thought you were here to tell me something because I don't see any reason for you to visit me this early". She said as she sat down.

"Whatever, it is even Rex that wants to speak with you". Qwen replied.

"Sorry to interrupt your discussion but I need to be heading to work now. You should eat your breakfast and Rex call me later if you have gotten a reply". Lucious said.

"Okay say". Rex replied.

"Okay dad...see you soon and have a good day". Kiara replied while he embraced her dad.

Lucious left the house and went to work leaving Rex, Qwen and Kiara alone.

"Don't you think that we should have our breakfast before we start any discussion because I am really starving". Kiara said to them.

"Okay...that is a good idea". Rex said.

They eat their breakfast on the dining table before they to the couch to talk. Kiara arranged the dining table and kept the dirty dishes in the kitchen while just stared at her.

Kiara noticed that Qwen was angry with her but she didn't know why because she had forgot all that happened yesterday and it is all behind her.

"Qwen...why do you have that look on your face? Hope you are not angry with me because I am really sorry if you are".Kiara confessed.

"Before you guys sort out your differences...I have something to tell you and I hope you will accept". Rex said

"Okay...I am all ears". She replied.

"I noticed the way you are looking so lonely and sad that is why I decided to lighten up your mood a bit. I would love it if you accompany Qwen and I for a vacation". Rex said to her.

Kiara was so surprised because she didn't see that coming. She raised her brows and wondered why Rex would want to invite her to a vacation.