Forming A Team

Everyone felt sad because of the death of some people. On the one hand, Xin Quan Tien, who was in his room, recalled what had happened.

"What is love? Why can everyone feel it? How can I cry?" asked Xin Quan Tien. He stared at the wide open window. There was a man who saw him from a distance. Xin Quan Tien frowned. He walked to the window and looked at the man. The man he saw smiled sarcastically at Xin Quan Tien. Both of the man's eyes were red. Xin Quan Tien closed the window because he was afraid.

"Who is that man?" asked him slowly. Xin Quan Tien walked back to his bed. However, he was surprised because the man was in front of him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" asked Xin Quan Tien.

"You have to go with me right now!" say that person firmly.

The man disappeared along with Xin Quan Tien. They were in an abandoned laboratory. The lab looked clean. "Where are we?" asked Xin Quan Tien. The teenager was frightened. The figure of the man standing beside him smiled. "Calm down, Bro. I'll show you how your friends can become zombies."

"What do you mean, let me go!" Xin Quan Tien shouted loudly. The man casually laughed. Xin Quan Tien fell. He was holding his aching arm. His right arm accidentally pressed the button beside him.

Some zombies shouted loudly. That made Xin Quan Tien terrified. There are ten zombies clawing at a glass.

"Aaaa! What the hell is this?!" asked Xin Quan Tien. He can not accept that situation. The teenager frowned. He walked up and punched the man.

"Bring me back to my bedroom, you madman!" Xin Quan Tien shouted loudly.

"Why do you want to go back there, Xin Quan Tien? It would be better if you stayed here with me. I need you to protect me," said the man, smiling sarcastically. Xin Quan Tien frowned. "What did you just say? Are you out of your mind? Look, you got me stuck here with the zombies!"

"That's the reason why you should stay with me, Xin Quan Tien. I want to be here with you!"

"Forget that nonsense, stupid man! Bring me back!"

"It won't, Xin Quan Tien. You have to stay here!" shouted the man. He took a syringe containing an IV. Then, he stuck the infusion into Xin Quan Tien's neck.

A few moments later, Xin Quan Tien was unconscious. The man led Xin Quan Tien to an empty room. There, he placed Xin Quan Tien carefully.

There were three doctors who treated Xin Quan Tien there. They experimented on Xin Quan Tien's body. After everything is done. The man took Xin Quan Tien back to his room, and then he went to leave her alone.

After a few hours of unconsciousness, Xin Quan Tien woke up. He was holding his sick head.

"Akh, what happened?" Xin Quan Tien asked in a low voice.

Suddenly, an alarm goes on. Xin Quan Tien closed his ears.

"Noisy! What happens after this?" he asked himself.

The whole system is back on!

The system congratulates all players who have managed to kill the zombies!

After this, you can watch the row of names that made it into the next stage!

All players, please gather in the middle because after this, there will be an announcement!

From outside the room, Rin Moon knocked on Xin Quan Tien's room door.

"Hey, are you inside? Let's get out. Everyone gathered in the main room. We should go there too." Rin Moon spoke softly. Xin Quan Tien was annoyed. He opened the door and stared at Rin Moon flatly.

Xin Quan Tien did not reply to Rin Moon's question. Instead, he runs down the stairs. They were both shocked when a zombie screamed.

"What's that sound?" asked Xin Quan Tien aloud. Rin Moon saw in all directions. She raised his shoulders.

"I don't know. Let's go to the main room." Rin Moon didn't seem to care about that voice. However, Rin Moon's steps stopped when she saw one zombie was in the main room.

"What happened, Rin Moon?" asked Xin Quan Tien, who was walking behind Rin Moon. The teenager extended one of his arms forward. Then, Xin Quan Tien walked toward the main room.

"Kill him!" shouted one of the people who were there. One of the women hurriedly fired at the zombie's head. Xin Quan Tien, who saw him, was instantly shocked.

"Huh, it's good that these zombies didn't bite any of us. If he did, I would have killed that person."

Rin Moon and Xin Quan Tien looked at that person with frightened faces.

Announcement! For those of you who qualify, you will be combined into several teams!

Each team consists of five people!

Have a look at the display board to find out!

"Wow, I didn't think this system would divide us into teams," said Rin Moon with an upset face. She walked downstairs. The girl stared at the screen that was there.

"Xin Quan Tien? We're a team?" she asked quietly to herself. The girl glanced toward Xin Quan Tien. Xin Quan Tien glanced up at the board.

From a distance, a man who had once insulted her walked toward Xin Quan Tien. He punched Xin Quan Tien in the face. However, Xin Quan Tien punched him back.

"Why am I on a team with you?! You stupid monster! No way! Are you gonna kill me and turn me into a zombie?!" shouted the man with an annoyed face.

Que Ching Lo fell. He held her tight chest. Xin Quan Tien walked over and pulled his shirt. "Look, I won't kill you as long as you obey me. Do you understand?!" Xin Quan Tien asked in a raised tone.

"After all, I have no interest in killing cowards like you! I'd rather see you die and become a zombie without me!" Xin Quan Tien said it firmly.

"Move! I don't want to be with you! I don't think you will! Hey, all of you! Are you still gonna let him live?!" asked Que Ching Lo in a high tone. Everyone who was there threw their eyes at each other. Xin Quan Tien was silent for a moment.

"Well, he could backfire on us later. So let's just throw him out!" shouted one of the people who agreed with Que Ching Lo. Almost everyone there agreed. In the end, Xin Quan Tien was picked up and taken to outside of the dormitory.

"Hey, let go of me!" shouted Xin Quan Tien loudly.

Rin Moon chased after those few people. Arriving outside the hostel, Rin Moon tries hard to stop those people. But, unfortunately, she was late. Xin Quan Tien was thrown near the glass. Several people tried to break the glass. However, there was a flash of lightning that made those people thrown from there.

"Ah, shit! We can't kill him!" shouted Que Ching Lo. Everyone looked at them as if they didn't care. Some of them eventually returned to the dormitory. They are more engrossed in talking about what strategies are suitable for them to use tomorrow.

"Thank God Xin Quan Tien is safe," Rin Moon said with a smile. The girl walked towards Xin Quan Tien. She reached out.

"Let's go inside."