Prologue: Before Phase One

Being prepared to fight any battle in any war or turmoil, is the only way to preserve peace amongst people and nations. … A sad, ironic, yet true reality.

The lush, ocean-blue, Jehoan jungle was quiet, almost dangerously silent. Only thing seemed to be emitting from the dwelling of vastly scented forever flora and fauna were warm rays of cream-white shimmering through the pockets of space in the overhead canopy. That was until the distant clanking, clinking, cluttering, and clumping of armor and weapons grew louder within the dense, dark thicket. The sounds came closer and closer, and got louder and louder as the scent of burnt ash and death not far behind the sound's trail. Clinking, clanking, clumping, and cluttering radiated from an army of marching warriors whose skins were of a great garnet-red and black, like the blood they shed and the darkness that filled their hearts. This army squad continued to march, slash, and burn their way through the ever-flattening landscape; their synchronized, intimidating footsteps echoing and thundering through the ground and air.

This was not just any threatening army, they were an army of Hecharum, who were an army of annihilators. They were part of an army that emerged abruptly and were devastating the planet by decimating everything in their path. The malicious men wore dark, steel-gray armor made from an unknown metal alloy on top of dark clothing. They all reeked of fire and metal, and had a presence that many, if not all, would be terrified of. The Hecharums marched with immense pride and without hint of fear in their eyes and steps. Arrogant as ever, they marched as if nothing living, non-living, nor anything of the Three Realms, could stand in their way. However, little did these over-confident, wicked intruders know, a major obstacle stood in their way; or rather a small, tenacious team that moved swiftly and quietly through the remaining, covering thickness of the southwestern jungle.

'Is everyone in position?' Fidelio asked from the canopy as he peeks from behind a tree trunk then takes off his glasses.

'Sí Fidel, estoy listo (I'm ready).' Arijun replied, her bat ears twitching as she waits silently in a nearby tree.

'I'm in position, Lio,' Marwan responded, his right eye glowing as he stared at the Hecharom army.

'Hey, Fidelio. Tell me when it's time to ambush, please. Brandao and I are hungry for some action since it's been a while. Heh,' Brion responded rather jokingly as he laid close to the ground and behind some dense shrubby.

'Heh, paciencia por favor. Please be patient, Grand General Brion. We need to wait for the precise moment to strike them and obtain the advantage of surprise, which won't come right away. Without the element of surprise, we and the surrounding environment might experience more damage than we would desire.' Fidelio replied, a golden stone glowing on his forehead in the process.

'Heh. No te preocupes (Don't worry) Grand General, you'll get your chance to show-off in front of us again as well as get a good warm up.' Arijun commented with a chuckle. Brion chuckled and smiled before taking a deep breath to resume his focus. 'You're right Arijun. Sorry if I seemed too impatient y'all.'

Marwan smiled and turned his attention to Brion, 'No need to be sorry, Grand General. You are a warrior like me, a natural-born one at that. As warriors, we enjoy the rush of adrenaline and the thrill of the fight.'

'Yeah. That's true Marwan.' Brion replied with a smile.

'Marwan! Keep your eye focused on the Hecharums!' Arijun shouted as she noticed Marwan looking away a bit to smile at Brion. Marwan realized his mistake as he and the others quietly moved closer just a bit more by way of the trees and underbrush, Marwan's right eye glowing yellow as he and the others stopped to hide their presences. 'Okay,' Fidelio began, 'ahora (right now), we need to regain focus because the perfect opportunity to strike is …'

'Now!' Marwan shouted. At that, Fidelio, Brion, Arijun, and Marwan emerged from the shadows of the trees and underbrush, and pounced on the arrogant army of Hecharums. Fidelio is the first to quickly and swiftly attack the Hanilhiks as he swung, thrust, slashed, and clashed with them using Igniken, his reliable shinken katana, and Armsku, his dependable shield. Fidelio clenched Igniken's cerulean-blue grip throughout the battle that rested underneath the gold guard and blade collar. The blazing, fiery, ultramarine blade moved swiftly in Fidelio's right hand as Armsku floated from his left forearm and blocked many incoming attacks, its ultramarine, circular disk shimmering in the canopy light as its gold, four-pointed star acted as the boss.

With great amounts of strength, Brion blocked, thrust, and swung Brandao, which was his trusted spear, as the enemy fell before him, one by one. A strong kwan dao, Brandao had a goldenrod shaft and blade with red-orange circles on the blade and as the blade's cross-guard. Fighting alongside Brion is Marwan, who blocked, thrust, clashed, and swung Fulmari swiftly, skillfully, and with ease as his enemies were powerless to stop him and his attacks. Fulmari, a formidable yari, had a golden-yellow shaft and tip with a gingerroot, diamond-shaped rain-guard on both sides of the tip. Arijun dashed like the wind as she swung, whacked, and sliced using her Metajibi, or jiu jie bian, to gracefully and easily defeat the Hecharum while fighting next to Fidelio. Metajibi consisted of an indigo handle, and violet rods, links, and dart.

Within a matter of minutes, the fatigued but radiant team with their eyes glowing and shimmering like sparkling, blazing stars had shredded and vanquished their enemies. "Mission accomplished Lio," Marwan declared as he took a deep breath, dismissed Fulmari, and handed Fidelio his glasses.

"Indeed it is, Arwan, though in all honesty this mission seemed awfully … faster than I anticipated." Fidelio responded, an expression of worry and suspicion on his face as he dismissed his weapons, and put his glasses on top of his squinting eyes.

"You're not complaining now, are you Fidelio?" Brion grinned as he dismissed Brandao and wiped sweat from his forehead.

"Huh? No, no, Grand General Brion. I guess I'm just not quite used to quick victories; I find them sort of … unsettling." Fidelio replied as he placed his right hand on his chin in thought.

"There did seem to be fewer Hecharums than usual, but we'll worry about that later, right Fidel?" Arijun asked with a bright smile.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're correct Arijun. I'm thinking too much about something again. Let's all go home immediately; they're waiting for all of us after all." As they started walking through the remaining thicket, the sun shone through holes in the overhead teal canopy onto the victors' faces and bodies. Fidelio, a 5'10" Yaraxian, looked at the sunlight and shielded his golden-brown, heart-shaped face with four curved, black, cheek stripes using his right, cerulean-blue-gloved hand. As he tried to shielded himself, he nearly touched the three white horns that point up on his broad forehead before lightly brushing his wavy, shoulder-length, ultramarine hair. He squinted his milky-white, almond eyes and furrowed his ultramarine, soft-angled eyebrows before sneezing three times aggressively into his elbow, his short, pointed ears twitching in response to his photic sneeze reflex.

"Estas bien, Fidel?" Arijun asked with a curious and concerned look.

Arijun, a 5'8" Yaraxian with smooth, yet tough, natural-brown skin smiled gently as her violet lips widened, her monolid, white eyes closed, and her rounded eyebrows relaxed. Her violet, wavy hair that reached down and spread out to her waist flapped in a faint breeze as her heart-shaped face faced the overhead canopy and its pockets of light. Her two dark-brown, bat-like ears twitched slightly in response to the sounds of wildlife as she stretched her slim, slightly muscular, hourglass-build body and waited for Fidelio to reply. Fidelio slightly smiled, "Sí, estoy bien Arijun. It's just my autosomal dominant compulsive helio-ophthalmic outbursts."

"Anglitil please, Lio," Marwan responded with a sigh and an eye roll.

Marwan, a 5'10" Yaraxian, held his silver, heart-shaped face as he sighed, his golden-yellow, wavy with over his left, dark-brown-gloved hand. Removing his hand, he revealed the black, left side of his face and a golden-yellow eyepatch that covered his "left eye", which he wore with pride. On the silvery right side of his face was a white, downturned eye; a golden-yellow, straight eyebrow; a silver, elf-like ear, black screws on his chin and above his eyebrow, and black lines under his eye that extended towards the back of his head and down his cheek. Fidelio chuckled, "Sorry, I meant to say that I just sneezed in response to the sudden exposure of bright light."

Marwan sighed with a slight chuckle, "Why not just say it that in the first place? Why the unnecessary medical talk?"

Arijun laughed and smiled as she patted Marwan's right shoulder with an imperial-navy gloved-hand, "Come on, you know just he's like that."

Brion chuckled and smirked, "Just admit that he's too smart for you, Marwan."

Marwan sighed and chuckled back, "I already know that, Grand General. I don't need to be reminded about the obvious."

Brion smiled, "Then you should be used to the feeling of not understanding Fidelio sometimes; plus, being reminded of that fact will keep your ego in check."

"Which he kind of needs if you ask me," Fidelio added with a smile, everyone laughing while Marwan rolled his eyes. Brion, a 6'0", lizard-like Washaxian, laughed in response as he wiped tears from his white, round eyes with crimson, scale eyebrows on his yellow-orange, beaked, lizard head with a clawed, right hand cover by a navy, fingerless glove. As he laughed, his muscular, lizard tail with crimson scales and some crimson spikes whacked against the ground until Brion calmed down with a smile. The group chuckled and sighed in relief as they finally arrived at their base, which was established in a once abandoned building in the jungle-forest that was code-named Domukasa. "Well, ya llegamos (we arrived). We're finally home," Fidelio said with a slight smile as he finally stopped sweating.

"Yes! I hope the eolin-i (children) are okay," Arijun commented as she smiled at the sight of home.

"They're fine, Jun." Marwan assured Arijun. "They might be young, but they work hard and are tougher than they look."

Fidelio nodded, "Arwan is correct, Arijun. Since los niños (the children) are Homoxians, they're physically tougher than any other Yaraxian and Washaxian in existence, even more so than Grand General Brion."

"Well enough stalling everyone, let's receive our usual welcome!" Brion declared as he walked into Domukasa with Fidelio, Marwan, and Arijun walking behind him. Domukasa was once an abandoned, overgrown residency of concrete and brick with a basement and two stories near the mountains. However, when the team found it, it was found with its second story in ruins; thus, the team rebuilt the whole second story and cleared the first floor. They did so using the surrounding, natural resources and resources that they acquired via trade and personal connections, while also renovating the whole building to suit their basic needs as well as to accommodate some of their pleasures.

The moment the group finally walked through the iron double doors, two Homoxian children ran up to Fidelio, Arijun, and Brion, jumping into the male's arms soon afterwards. The 4'7" child that ran to Fidelio and Arijun smiled widely across his honey-brown, triangle-shaped face with closed, crimson-lake, almond eyes; and relaxed, straight eyebrows. Arijun chuckled and smiled softly before light petting his wavy, crimson-lake hair, his short, pointed ears perking up in response. The 4'5" child that ran to Brion smiled with closed, round, indigo eyes and relaxed, arched eyebrows as the wide smile stretched across her warm-beige, heart-shaped face. Brion smiled softly and gently touched her back-length, wavy, indigo hair with a left braid, causing her short, pointed ears to perk up. "Papá! Eomma! Estás de vuelta (You're back)! Maeu gippeuda (I'm very happy)!" the young boy shouted with joy as he smiled brightly in Fidelio's arms.

"Yeuh yeuh (yes yes), we're here Junaleho. We're finally home," Arijun replied as Fidelio slightly smiled with the young boy in his arms.

"Daddy, you finally came back! Mommy and I were getting impatient," the young girl shouted with joy as she smiled in Brion's arms.

"Yes Elina, I'm back. Is your mom okay?" Brion asked, followed by a genuine smile and a gentle drop of Elina to the ground.

"Yes, she's fine, Daddy. Last I saw Mommy; she was in her lab downstairs." Elina replied with a smile.

"Junaleho, Elina, have you seen Jahid?" Marwan asked the two children with a smile.

"Your Homoxian "son" is in Excopar practicing his use of Aura-Energy as usual." a 5'10", peacock-blue scaled, fish-like Washaxian answered with a smile. She readjusted her straight, canary-yellow hair in a ponytail that reached the center of her back before smiling. Her canary-yellow lips stretched widely across her diamond-shaped face with relaxed, straight eyebrows as a pair of canary-yellow, butterfly-framed glasses that covered her white, hooded eyes and went over her fin-like ears. "Ha! That's my boy! Training himself to the max to be able to fight and protect. Thanks Doctor Emmi," Marwan responded with a smile of pride.

"Where's Señora (Miss) Naama, Doctora (Doctor) Emmi?" Fidelio asked.

"Again Fidelio, there's no need to address me so formally, but if you and the rest of the trio insist you may entitle me as such for the time being. As for Naama, she's currently in the kitchen preparing dinner. That Washaxian can cook anything three times better and faster with those six arms of hers." Emmi responded. Everyone smiled as Marwan sat down on a long, tan couch, pulled out a rosewood, acoustic guitar, and started playing it, his fingers moving smoothly as they pressed, plucked, and strummed as they pleased. Fidelio chuckled as he also sat down on the couch, "You're trying la guitarra (the guitar) now, Arwan?"

Marwan shrugged as he put the guitar aside to give Fidelio his full attention, "You know that I like making music among other things."

"You mean just like all that furniture you made for us?" Arijun asked with a chuckle as she sat on on the edge of the couch near Fidelio.

"Yes, just like that. Boy that took a long time. I was pretty happy that this environment had plenty of mahogany to work with though."

"Yes, well, it most certainly would've been much longer if Grand General Brion wasn't here." Fidelio pointed out. "He was strong enough to gather the necessary materials as well as charismatic enough to trade for any other materials such as your prized woodworking tools."

Brion smiled, "While it was my pleasure, I wasn't the only that helped y'know. While Arijun made the appropriate artistic decisions such color schemes, Fidelio and my wife made the chemical-based equipment that Marwan needed to properly treat the wooden masterpieces."

Marwan nodded in agreement before looking back at the handmade guitar, "Right now though, I just thought about trying out the guitar this time. I mainly chose to try this instrument for its sound and because you knew how to play it at one point, Lio."

While Fidelio looked away with a light, nervous chuckle, Brion smiled at Marwan and said in a joking tone, "Never thought I'd see the day a warrior would become a side-musician."

Fidelio chuckled, "I believe the term Arwan prefers Grand General is "Renaissance man", which is "a person with many talents or areas of knowledge", right Arwan?"

Marwan smiled and nodded in agreement, "Yup! Y'know, you could be considered one yourself, Lio. With all of that knowledge of yours that somehow relates to just about any topic and all."

Fidelio chuckled and smiled softly in turn, "Thanks but I'll pass. I'm not much for titles unlike you who went from a history-loving warrior to one that does woodworking and plays music."

Marwan laughed and smiled back, "Hey, you can't stop me now. I already play the tin whistle and piano. Music is just another new part of me, even if it's kinda small right now. Though admittedly, I'm not as good at music as I am with fighting, and I am definitely not on Arijun's level by any means."

"And you never will be as good as me Arwajun," Arijun remarked with a smirk and a chuckle.

Brion laughed, "Might as well give up while you're ahead, Marwan. After all, just as Arijun said, you'll never be near her level."

Marwan chuckled and smiled, "Sorry Grand General, but I've already invested too much work and time into perfecting my skills to just simply quit. Besides, I know that these skills will be of me at some point."

Fidelio smirked, "Useful for picking up girls is what you mean right? Come on, just admit that you're too stubborn to stop."

"Hey!" Marwan remarked. "T-the first thing might be … true, but my stubbornness is a trait that runs in this family. Prove me wrong on that."

Brion laughed and smirks as he looked at Fidelio, "Oh! Ya gotta admit that he's gotcha there, Fidelio."

Fidelio rolled his eyes and slightly chuckled before shrugging, "Family trait yes, but Arwan is probably the stubbornest of us all."

"Not to mention, he's a lover-boy," Brion added with a smirk.

"Hey! I can't help it if the ladies come to me because of how attractive I am." Marwan immediately replied.

Arijun laughed and smiled, "I don't agree with that, Arwajun. You may be a ladies man, but you still don't a girlfriend"

"Hey!" Marwan interrupted before letting Arijun continue.

"However, do agree that Arwajun is stubborn. In fact, I'd say that Arwajun is stubborner than a mule and llama combined!"

"Whoa! Need some water for that, Arwan?"

"Or maybe some ice?" Brion added with a smirk.

"Hey! What you three call "stubbornness", I call "extensively-determined" or maybe tenacious is a better word. Anyhow, I can't be the only one looking for a girlfriend, right Lio?"

Fidelio shrugged and smiled, "Nah, not really. I'm not someone that girls would be into; plus, I'm too busy for me to properly invest time into a healthy relationship. However, if the right girl does come along, then I won't complain whatsoever."

Brion chuckled and smiled, "Meaning that poor Marwan is alone on his quest for love."

"A love quest that might leave him single in the end," Arijun teased after she looked away from Fidelio with a hint of red in her cheeks.

"Hey! You don't know that!" Marwan snapped back, everyone laughing in response as Brion slapped Marwan's back. Marwan scoffed and then soon joined in on the laughing. 'Everyone's laughing, smiling, and gleaming,' Fidelio thought after he removed the headband with the gold gemstone, and pushed back his ultramarine, semi-rimless glasses. 'It wasn't like this orbits ago, everyone at one point laughed more naturally. At one point, everyone smiled more often. At one point, everyone gleamed without exploiting any effort. There were no wars, there were no destroyers, there were no creators of chaos, and there were no Hecharums.'

Long, long ago, before time had a name, this world, the world of Jeho was created by one deity that was made up of three different people; three different people of power that together made one deity that was there since the beginning. The aspects of these three people allowed the Deity to roam amongst the Three Realms that he created: Codeis, Giter, and Spevma. Jeho was a barren planet beforehand; it had a very rough, spherical structure and no surface land, water, or life, at least not yet. The Deity of Trinity eventually finished speaking the first two masterpieces, Jeho and Caeden, into existence and refined them, like a potter with wet clay. Caeden became the Creator's kingdom and Jeho became the land for the Creator's mortal creations and subjects, while other celestial bodies graced the rest of the spacious void. In Caeden, the Creator made immortal servants of peculiar form but great beauty. These servants are known as the Amalach and the Almalafa, and both willingly served the Creator.

The Amalach served as ordinary servants of the Lord of Light that had different forms and different jobs. The Almalafa were similar to Amalach, but they held sway over the Amalach and were few in number compared to the Amalach as well as had more specific roles compared to the Amalach. Once Caeden was officially finished, the Creator created Jeho with just the mastery and power of words and hands. Full of life and absent of evil, Jeho was an Eden for many creatures and animals of various shapes and forms. However, a time came where one servant, an Almalafa known as Ahelil, grew envious of the Deity's power and authority and yearned for nothing more than to take the Deity's place. Ahelil gathered a third of the Amalach and attempted a mutiny in order to seize power that did not belong to him. However, this mutiny failed miserably as the Omniscient, the remaining Amalach, and the seven remaining Almalafa easily defeated Ahelil and his followers.

Defeated, Ahelil and the fallen Amalach, referred to as Zanafal, were banished to the world below, which was the world of Jeho, and were forced to roam there until the Creator decided otherwise. Bitter and full of spite, Ahelil, now known as Zabaddon, instantly plotted his revenge against the King of Caeden and he adopted many names just as the Heavenly King did. Long before Zabaddon started his grand scheme, the Deity of Trinity, who is also called Yelohiwah, left behind one fingerprint that would then roam and dominate Jeho, one that would form beings after their own image. Being the Creator, Yelohiwah molded, shaped, and breathed life into that one fingerprint that became three, dominant species of Jeho, saying, "Let us make them in our own image." These Jehoan species, though different in appearance, all had black sclerae and eyes that could brilliantly glimmer and shimmer various shades of the seven colors.

The first dominant species were Yaraxians, which was said to have been made when the fingerprint met and was molded with the wood of Jeho. Yaraxians were and are beings that have a humanoid body but have one key animalistic feature, such as horns, animalistic ears, animalistic tails, patterns on their skin, exoskeletons of proteins or bone on their bodies, and even astral bodies. The second dominant species of Jeho were Homoxians, which was said to have been made when the fingerprint met and was molded with the stone of Jeho. They were and are beings with a common face structure, a humanoid body, hair of the same color as their eyes, and pointed ears on the sides of their head. The third and final dominant species of Jeho were the Washaxians, which was said to have been made when the fingerprint met and was molded the earth of Jeho. They were and are animal-like beings with a humanoid body, clawed hands, and other features such as tails, extra appendages, ears, heads, and skin types that varied depending on the animal that they "mirrored".

Once their forms were made, the Creator personally breathed on them and gave them life, making them unlike any other creature of Jeho and calling them, "Very good." A short time passed and the Deity noticed the loneliness between the Jehoans, despite their own company and the company of the surrounding wildlife. To not make the male Jehoans lonely any longer, the Deity put their creations to sleep and used the creation's own flesh to make woman companions for each of them, which were the last creations he made. That is the Jeho's creation story to an extent. Whether that is the full story is unknown, but it is not the only story that needs to be partially told.

Our next story begins with a sentence taught in all Jehoan schools, 'Countless cento-orbits elapsed since the Creation, all three species multiplied and spread across Jeho, living together during such times. Though to be honest, that "fact" is only based on what we "know", which is mainly due to the actual fact that there is a lack of previously, recorded wars and/or battles in our history. Because of this, Arwan is very skeptical about the history they taught us and thus, taught himself what he knows. Anyhow, our society progressed as technology advanced at an astonishing rate, and as our technology advanced, so did members of our species advance in both strength and intellect. Three prime examples, according to others, were Ari, Arwan, and me. All of us being prodigies that enjoyed life to the fullest, even though we had no parents or other blood-relatives. We grew up close to one another as well as under one roof. Arwan was as close to me as a brother, while Ari … as a childhood friend. Even if we were all different breeds with different backgrounds, skills, and personalities, we enjoyed each other's company, grew up together, and went to school together.'

'Throughout our home and the West, we were well-known prodigies, the Prodigy Trio to be more precise. I became the prodigy of intellect as I climbed the ladder of knowledge and skill in technology, anatomy, physiology, engineering, chemistry, and the branches in between. It was my gifts that caught the eyes of a former member of the Science Council of Seven, who graciously moved into my hometown just to mentor me. Arwan exceeded any and all expectations when it came to all things fighting, his unique body and instincts perfectly suited such combat skills, power, and techniques. He soon became the star pupil of Mitozal's retired General of the Royal Legion, who was once partially trained by the Grand General of the Royal Legion, Grand General Brion. Ari simply dominated in the various fields of art, including cooking, music, literature, painting, drawing, animation, cosmetics, sewing, knitting, and fabrication. Her variety of talents drew the attention of a former Royal Staff member. The Royal Staff being people that specialize in more than one category of expertise and have many branches. They are all Renaissance men and women some might say. In the case of Ari's mentor, she was a Renaissance woman of various aspects of art.'

'Our choices in career at the time may have been abnormal and different, but they were our desires since we could understand and excel in them. I wanted to become a doctor, technician, inventor, and engineer in hopes of improving the lives of others. Arwan wanted to be a warrior, specifically the next General of the Royal Legion for Mitozal in hopes of allowing others to live in safety. Ari wanted a professional seamstress, fashion designer, makeup artist, pop-star, and chef in hopes of brightening other's lives. … However, this all ended when the Hecharums emerged from the darkness and marched across Jeho. The Hecharums, who seemly appeared out of thin air, began conquering nearby lands, destroying the cities and anyone else in those lands, and overusing resources at the expense of the environment. My hometown was one of those cities that fell to the waves of devastation and calamity. Even though the General was there, the city easily fell like dominos after someone blew against them. None of our weapons, not even the Quantum Ray Guns, would lay a scratch on the Hecharums, thus sealing the impending catastrophe. Only the three of us prodigies survived the tragedy and were forced to survive in the remaining flora of the jungle that surrounded the burning city like unmounted, figureless statues of wood and blue that watched part of Jeho's future burn in red infernos.'

'Fortunately, after a while of living among nature, Arwan accidently stumbled upon a cave with an eccentric, transparent metal ore, which we now call Auratite. With my knowledge of chemistry, I managed to almost completely refine the metal so armor and other articles of metal could be made for everyone in our team of survivors, though I suppose I owe an explanation for my skills in blacksmithing and metal refinery. The reasoning behind me being the blacksmith and metal-refiner is because I am the only that can use fire, not to mention beforehand I had previous experiences with blacksmithing and metal refinery for the sake of some of my past projects and because Arwan insisted that I do so. Though I will willingly admit that I was still a novice back then. Anyway, continuing, the uniforms, which we call Auradaches, allowed us to summon weapons specific to ourselves. These weapons, which we call Auratals, are the only way we can eliminate the Hecharums.'

'So here we are in the present, nine of us in total, three from each species, at least so far. In this team of survivors, the Homoxians are all children, the Washaxians are all adults, and the Yaraxians are all young adults. All of us might be the last of the three species in this world. No, correction, major correction. We are the only ones alive and strong enough that can defeat the Hanilhiks. I mean, looking at the side of reasoning, which is fortunately optimistic, there is the possibility that in the remaining cities and lands, there are more Washaxians, Yaraxians, and maybe even Homoxians whom can also fight just as well as us.'

'Unfortunately for us, our world is large and communication with the outside is already limited, especially considering that the risk of expanding our reach being too great to even attempt. At present timing, our goals include rescuing and recruiting more Jehoans, and training the able Jehoans to use Auratals or Aura-based weapons technology to eliminate the Hecharum threat. No, they are more than our mere goals, they are our last hopes. Hopes that we are determined to make a reality at any cost, and with special help and our combined wills to gain back Jeho, I doubt that we will not succeed. I would bet my life on it if I had to, and I keep my word on what I said too.'