CHAPTER 23 Camille

  Sarah’s POV

  She punches me playfully in the arm and I giggle. She is embarrassed because I am right! And for the first time, I find myself wanting to learn who’s the one who got my friend acting like that!

  Sarah: Alright! I won't ask any more questions.

  Rose: I —

  She is about to answer me, and truth be told I am really curious! But then her mother enters the room without any particular notice.

  Vanessa: Look at you! Two gorgeous ladies!

  Rose: Thank you, mum!

  Sarah: Thank you, Vanessa, you look great as well.

  And she does. Her makeup is a beautiful combination of earthly colours on her lips and eyes. Her hair is wrapped up in a slick chignon bun on the back of her head and her body is covered by a lace crème fitted dress that covers down to her same matching colour pair of heels, on her ears hanging a short pair of pearl earrings.

  Vanessa: Thank you, dear! Although I don't believe anyone will outstand you!