Hunter's POV

  I wake up to find something or rather someone curled into me with my arms around that person's waist. I open my eyes to see that that person was actually Daisy.

  I remember climbing into her bed yesterday night because of the poop stain on my bed. I'll definitely give her my opinion when she wakes up.

  I make to climb out of bed when her sleeping profile catches my attention. A foreign feeling fills me up to the brim. I suddenly feel like keeping her in a glass case and banging my chest like a gorilla to ward everyone away from her.

  Without my control, my hands mechanically move towards her face and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. My hands remain there cupping her face halfway and studying just how beautiful she really is.

  She groans and unconsciously rests her hand on my hand that was cupping her face making me feel ten times of what I was feeling before. I felt like drawing her into me and never letting go.

  Stop this!

  I snap out of whatever daze I was in and remove my hand from her face like she was toxic.

  This is getting out of hand. It's just Daisy Heart, the earlier I understand that the better.

  I climb out of bed and move out of the tent to get ready for the day. After cleaning up, I go in search of my friends. I walk around a bit and finally locate the tent Blake was staying with Shawn his partner.

  I've been wondering why Daisy and I were the only boy and girl paired together while every other student had been paired up with the same gender. The theories I've been coming up with so far have been absurd and I've been praying it better not have anything to do with my father's proposition.

  I barge into the tent and see Blake and Stephanie in a rumpled mess on his bed with Shawn nowhere to be found. I shake my head. Even though I whore around with girls, I can never compete with Blake; he takes the term man-whore to a whole new level.

  "Wake up you idiot" I bellow.

  "I'm up! I'm up!" He jolts awake and look confusedly around making me chuckle.

  I walk out his tent and do the same for my other friends who all had girls with them with the exception of Dean.

  I go back to my tent and note that Daisy was already awake. She turns to face me with her rumpled hair and huge shirt. I look away from her to avoid pushing her back on the bed and rumpling her hair more by kissing her senseless and...

  This is just all too much for me.

  "You broke our deal" I tell her pointing to the stain on my bed and looking her in her eye.

  "That was before we even made it!" she argues

  So that was what she was doing on my bed yesterday; trying to cover the stains.

  "I don't care. A deal is a deal" I argue back.

  She sighs "So what? Do you want you want me to run around the camp site in only my underwear or any other embarrassing thing you're concocting in your head?" She exasperates.

  " As funny as that would be, no. you have to be at my beck and call throughout the rest of the camp. I say jump, you jump. I say run, you run. Got it?"I say feeling the huge smirk on my face.

  She gapes at me. "No" She says simply.

  "I knew you'd say that" I say walking to pick up the dog that was watching the drama unfolding. "So I'm going to have to take him to the authorities and have him taken to the pound only to be put down when nobody adopts him and..." I continue.

  "Stop!" she practically screams. "Okay fine, I'll do it. Just leave King alone" She says snatching the dog from my grasp.

  So she named the dog King.

  I would never have taken King to the authorities, my sister Lily has one just like him and it's grown on me.

  "Well then, move along. We have to continue the project" I say expecting her to move.

  "I have to clean up" She states.


  "I'll be waiting under the tree" I reply discreetly checking her out before walking out.

  I sit under the tree and take out my phone to text my friends to join me here when I remember there was no service here. I put it back in my pocket and rest back against the tree with my hands folded behind my head.

  My friends join me 5 minutes later and all start to chatter about the girls they spent the night with. I tune out of their conversation.

  "Hey Hunter, is your father still pestering you to agree to that arranged marriage?" Daniel asks.

  I turn to face him and find them all looking at me expectantly.

  "Yeah, and it's getting really annoying" I answer.

  "Who do you think it is?" Mark inquires no one in particular.

  "I think it's Taylor" Tyler utters.

  God no, I hope not.

  "Heaven and hell rejects that" Dean says echoing my thoughts.

  "I would have thought your father..." Blake begins to say but stops and looks in the tents direction in awe. I follow his gaze to see him staring at Daisy and her approaching friends more specifically at her black-haired friend; Bloom.

  I can't blame him though, those three combined are lethal. They all look ethereal with their beauty.

  My gaze becomes precisely fixed on Daisy and I become tongue-tied. I shake my head. This isn't going to happen to me twice this morning.

  "Damn girls..." Mark whistles and I glare at him.

  "Hi guys" Daisy greets brightly while her friends also do the same. Her face then transforms into a dark look when she turns to face me.

  "I'm ready" she says flatly her tone lacking the brightness it had before.

  "Let's go get breakfast first" Chloe declares.

  My friends all hurriedly stand up at the mention of food. I stand up too and we all go get the breakfast the maids had prepared.

  During breakfast, I notice that Daisy isn't eating. Why isn't she eating? Is she on a diet? She can't miss breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day!

  Why am I even concerned about this? She can do anything she wants, she owns herself.

  With that thought on my mind, I try to eat but I just wasn't feeling hungry so I pack it in a paper bag instead. After eating, I see Daisy walking off afar with her breakfast wrapped in a paper bag.

  I follow her out of curiosity only to be led back to the tent. I enter the tent to see her feeding the dog with her breakfast.

  "Shouldn't you even eat little out of the food?" I blurt out without thinking.

  She glances up and then continues to feed the dog and ignoring what I said.

  "I asked you a question" I blurt again.

  "He has to at least eat something, and since we can't all be Valeria and live by breathing only air, I have to give him my breakfast unless you are willing to part with yours" She says nodding to the paper bag in my grasp.

  "I'm not" I say firmly "And who's Valeria?" I ask confused.

  "Valeria, Human Barbie doll, ring any bells?" She says but I continue giving her a confused look.

  "Forget it" She says sighing and going back to feeding the dog.

  Who cares about any weird chick anyway?

  I go out and wait for her to come out and when she finally does, we proceed to the river bank to continue our project.

  4 hours later

  Her stomach has been grumbling like a dying whale for a while now but she won't even show it. She's been sending longing glances to my breakfast since then.

  Would it kill her to swallow her pride and ask for my breakfast?

  grrrrrrrrrrrrrr Her stomach growls again.

  "Just take it" I say referring to my breakfast.

  She gives me a suspicious look and I sigh.

  "Don't think anything of this; I just don't want you dying on me".

  "How sweet of you" She exclaims sarcastically while grabbing the bag and taking out the food to eat.

  I internally sigh, I thought she would surely reject it but I guess hunger won out.

  I scan the river with my eyes trying to find a sage plant and I locate one in the river.

  "Go get it" I command pointing to the plant.

  "Why should I be the one to get it? Go get it yourself". She counters while swallowing food.

  "Remember you have to do what I say or the dog goes". I deadpan.

  "Fine" She huffs and place down the leftover food on her purse.

  She enters the river and starts to reach for the plant. I turn my back and start to search for a comfortable place to rest while I watch her struggle to get the plant.

  I know that's douchey but she just amuses me.

  I find a place in front of a big rock and move to sit down when I hear a scream and a loud splash in the water.

  Oh my God, Daisy!