Daisy's POV
I stay rooted to the spot I'm standing no longer caring about being late to class. A stray tear fall from one eye on the picture I'm currently staring at.
It's a picture of my mother sitting on a hospital bed holding hands with my dad and smiling wildly at the monitor beside the bed showing a tiny image of the baby growing in her.
I look at another in which my mother's lifeless body was lying on the floor, blood pouring out of her stomach.
Where the hell did she get this?
Then another newspaper cut out that had the headline 'LEVI MILLER: FORMER CEO OF MILLER GROUP OF HOTELS ESCAPED FROM PRISON'
What is this?
What is she trying to do?
Now she just confirmed what I was praying was only my imagination.
Is she trying to remind me of the people I've lost. People they've taken away from me? My mother and a baby sister/brother I never even got to meet?