CHAPTER 2"Party" 2

  She pulls me to the dance floor together with the other people dancing, drinking and sweating. I can't help it anymore I was already dancing to the music,?It Was You?by Calvin Harris & Firebeatz, and Monique was dancing with me too. I pulled my hands above my head and began to dance sexily, swaying my hips like how a little bitch would dance while Monique dances against me. We danced for a while and we were beginning to have fun now. We danced to a few songs while she kept grabbing some drinks from the waiters that were passing by.

  She grabs two more cocktail drink from the waiter holding a tray-full of drinks and handed me one.

  "Cheers to us for getting so fucked up tonight!" Monique screams while raising her glass.

  "Cheers!!" I screamed and clinked my glass with hers.

  We chugged the alcohol in one shot and placed it back on the waiter's empty tray.

  I lick my lips. "That drink was yummy." I said while smiling.

  Monique laughs. "We need more drinks. I'll go grab more for us! I bet it's free!"

  I nod.

  Monique begins to leave me and I couldn't see her anymore as she disperse so quickly with the massive people who were dancing. Only then I realized that I was left here all alone.

  "Shit." I groan.

  The music begins to shift to?Womanizer?by Britney Spears, one of my favorite songs of her. I began to dance along with the music even though I was by myself. I began to move my hips and grind while closing my eyes feeling the beat of the music creeping into my veins, as if it was a drug that's been injected to me.

  Superstar, where you from?

  How's it going?

  I know you gotta clue

  What you're doing

  You can play brand new

  to all the other chicks out here

  But I know what you are

  What you are baby

  It's like I was making love to the music and I was even biting my lower lip. I didn't care if anyone was watching, I mean, I'm here to party so I'm gonna dance. And I bet this is going to be the last party that I'll be sharing with these tons of celebrities.

  I began to jump on my feet and pulled my head up to the ceiling. I opened my eyes as I look at the laser lights hitting the people dancing with me. I moved my head back down and began to dance again.

  Look at you

  Getting more than just a re-up

  Baby you got all the puppets

  with their strings up

  But from the farthest table from where I was stand, I paused when?he?looked at me. I looked back at him while I was dancing.

  Faking like a good one

  But I call 'em like I see 'em

  I know what you are

  What you are baby

  All of a sudden his piercing emerald eyes made me feel nervous. I kept on dancing, trying to shake my nervousness away, but I'm still stealing glances at their table. At him, exactly. He wore a white shirt, a black pair of skinny pants and sadly I can't see his shoes from here, but I'm sure they're boots. Just how I remember Monique would adore?him?and his style.


  You're a womanizer oh..

  Of course I know who he is.

  Boy don't try to flirt

  I, I know just-just

  What you are, are, are

  He was surrounded with a lot of females, two on his left side and three on his right. But he wasn't alone, he was with two other men on the same table and I'm sure it wasn't anyone from his band. But their table was majorly composed of women. Sexy and intensely hot women. His arms were sprawled on the couch's backrest but his eyes were still glued at me even though he was surrounded by lots of sexier females. I can't help it, he makes me wanna look at him again and again.

  Say it, play it how you wanna

  But no way I'm ever gonna fall for you

  Never you, baby

  All of a sudden, he licks his lips.

  Ah! Shit that was sexy.

  His arms are now off from the couch and placed his elbows over his knees while clasping his hands together as he still looks at me. He leans a little forward to reach for his drink, takes the glass of cocktail on his hand then finishes it with one shot. But shit he's still looking at me when he was drinking his cocktail.

  you say I'm crazy

  I got you crazy

  You're nothing but a womanizer

  I was still dancing anyways, weirdly or maybe awkwardly, trying to ignore him and how his sexy stares and eyes are affecting me. But I can't ignore him.

  He licks his lips again after emptying his glass. Shit. I tell you, it wasn't making me anymore good.

  Why do I feel something down there?

  Shit why.

  This was weird. I didn't know he could be this deadly to women. I didn't know that he could make me feel this way all of a sudden when it's the first time I met him and I'm not even of a huge fan of him. Was this how his millions of fans felt when they met him? Hence how many females are on their table, I know this song was perfect for him.

  He's a?womanizer.

  But I didn't know he could be this hot. He is dangerously hot, even just sitting there. He's not even doing anything but he's already hot. Fuck this guy. I didn't know those penetrating green eyes would be so deadly. So intimidating. So intense. He's really undeniably hot even from afar.

  Suddenly he begins to stand with his eyes still locked with mine but my feet were involuntarily taking a few steps back. Why do I feel like he's moving towards where I was? And I'm scared that he might actually come over me, my ticket for coming here was fake.

  Argh. I need to find Monique.

  I began to leave the dance floor and moved my way out from the massive people, still feeling my heart beating fast, hoping that I won't get caught. I took a deep breath in and exhaled heavily once I found myself a bit space. I look around, I can't find him anymore.

  Good?because he was giving me trouble in breathing.

  Shit, maybe he noticed that I wasn't one of the guests here. Of course, with how I looked? Fuck. I need to hide. But I'm sure this isn't his party. He won't be that mean to kick me out of this mansion.

  Another waiter was passing by bringing a tray of cocktails and I hurriedly grabbed two glasses. I walked away from the crowd and finished the drinks one after the other in one second.

  I groan.

  That was vodka mixed with moscato.

  "Uck.." I grimaced.

  I continued walking and found myself inside the kitchen. There were only three people here, one couple making out near the fridge and I'm the third person. I was relieved that I found a place where I could be alone even though the couple in here was already making out full-on.

  "Damn it, where's Monique?" I pull out my phone and groaned when it was already battery empty.

  "Shit.." I cussed.

  I pulled myself up to sit on top of the counter and tried to turn on my dead batt phone, hoping it would still work. But it has really ran out of battery.

  "Shit. Fuck!" I curse again.

  I noticed the couple stopped from making out and gave me a weird stare. The woman said something to the man which I didn't seem to hear then she pulled him out from the kitchen and left.

  "No estoy loco!" I yell when they left.?(Translation: I'm not crazy!)

  I look down again at my lap and every time I stare at my phone having the black screen, it just gets me more mad knowing the fact that I'm stuck here and I can't find Monique. I shouldn't have came. I should've just stayed home and studied for my exam next week.

  "Pedazo inùtil de mierda!" I yell at my phone.?(Translation: You useless piece of shit!)

  I hear the kitchen door open, but I didn't really mind looking at it. I don't know the people around here anyways. I'm sure it was another couple who needs a vacant room where they can make out.

  I groan on top of the counter as I kept my eyes at my phone. I was still sitting here with my head bent down. I couldn't find Monique inside this huge mansion and my phone has no life left on it. I don't even know anyone from here. Argh!

  Shit, what if she got caught for her fake tickets? I panicked.

  "Maybe a drink will help?" A man with a very thick British accent speaks.

  I froze and kept my head down low.