CHAPTER 81 : "Done"


  G A G E

  "Gage! Cmon lets go. We need to hustle!" I hear Lewis calling out to me.

  I cuss. "Why isn't she picking up?" I ask myself as I walk inside the plane and settled myself on a vacant chair.

  "Where's your little girlfriend Harreh?" Peter asked me as he takes the seat across mine.

  I glared at him. "She isn't." I snapped.?

  I tried calling her again for the nth time but she isn't picking me up and answering my messages. I wonder where in hell she is. Ryan told me she left him alone last night at the club.

  Fuck, maybe she waited that long that's why she's mad at me. I thought.

  I should've went down to party with her and maybe took her to the VIP section so she could at least join my kind of crowd. But all those women were so distracting and they were all too hot and tempting me. I couldn't resist. They didn't want to let me go even if I want to.

  Most especially Jamie.

  Fuck, she was all over me last night.