CHAPTER 120 "Jealous" 2

  I felt my fist curling now.

  She pulled herself away from Adam but he suddenly shove his hand to Tate's hand. "I don't know why I ever let you go Tate. That's my biggest mistake."

  I can't believe he's actually talking about that right now. My eyes moved to Tate and she's just looking at him with her lips forming into a small smile.

  Tate suddenly cups his face. "You're still special to me Adam. You'll always be. And I told you I'll always be here for you." Those words makes me come to realize that Peter was right.

  I don't even know why I'm still watching and listening them but my world stopped when he planted a kiss on Tate's forehead and tells her, "I know but it hurts that you're not mine anymore."

  "You've had enough drinks for the night. You need to sleep it off." She tells him, not even mad that he kissed her forehead! Unbelievable.