CHAPTER 128 "A.M" 2

  She shakes her head. "I had the spare key, because he gave it to me before he left for college. And that was his biggest mistake." She spat.

  "I came in to his place at exactly midnight of his birthday and I was so surprised to see my own best friend fucking my own boyfriend." She cries.

  Without second thoughts, I hurriedly stood from my chair and just wrapped my arms around her. She begins to cry on my chest as I rub my hand on the back of her head. I began to pity her even more now that I knew what really happened to her. Now that I knew why she's been out that drunk last night. I don't know why of all people he had to choose her best friend. I don't know why people like her stay in serious relationships when all it ever causes you is pain in the end of it all.

  She begins to pull herself away from me so I release her. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for crying like this. Shit, this is embarrassing. Sorry." She speaks fast.

  "Don't be sorry. It's okay."