CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE: Do you still love him?

  Stephen was excited; he was going on a dinner date with Quinn later that evening. This time,they were going without Emelda.

  He had already booked a table at a five star hotel. He wanted to make the experience a happy one for her.

  "Is everything set?" He questioned his assistant who was respectfully standing in front of him.

  "Yes President. Everything is set." He responded without raising his head.

  "Good,you may leave." Stephen dismissed him.

  After his assistant left, Stephen leaned back on his chair. He was going to take things slow with Quinn...

  It wasn't as if she had been in a relationship with Henry before. They only had a boss-maid relationship.

  Where that despicable man violated her of course. He vowed to deal with him when the time was right.

  But for now,he was going to focus on winning Quinn's heart. He was going to make her forget about Henry. He wasn't worth it anyways...