CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN: If you love her, fight for it.

  The Stone's Residence.

  Nicole was seated comfortably in the living room. A maid was trimming her nails.

  She was in a fairly good mood. It's been a week since her daughter visited them. However,she was already missing her.

  Was it her fault?

  Was it easy to be separated from one's daughter for nineteen years?

  It wasn't at all...

  As she immersed herself in her thoughts,a guard came in to report.

  "Madam, Mr Stephen is here." He bowed.


  What was he doing here?

  "Let him in. You may leave." She waved the maid away.

  The maid bowed respectfully and left.

  Stephen came into the living room. He was feeling oppressed. The whole mansion was and looked expensive. Splendor, elegance,beauty,were all present in the mansion.

  The Stone family were fucking rich....

  "Young man, didn't you call Michelle before coming here?" Whenever Quinn wasn't around,they referred to her as Michelle.