CHAPTER FORTY TWO: Who gave him the right to?

  Back at home,Quinn and Khloe at each other and chuckled.

  "We have to lend him a hand. Else,he will never stand a chance." Quinn said laughing.

  "Of course, though I wouldn't blame him for not making a move. It isn't as if he's afraid of Ariana,but you know how she is..." Khloe shrugged helplessly and sauntered towards her bedroom.

  "I'm sleepy,you?" Khloe yawned. She was tired....

  "I'm sleeping on the couch; I don't want to wake up with a bruised eyes tomorrow." Quinn laughed as she followed Khloe.

  "Why are you following me then?" Khloe turned and fixed her with a glare.

  To get a quilt,I'm tired and can't trade words with you ma'am." Quinn pushed her and headed into the bedroom.

  Khloe and Ariana were very restless sleepers; one couldn't comfortably sleep with them. For instance,the first time Quinn slept over at Khloe's apartment,she ended up with a tired body the next day. Khloe had kicked her body endlessly while they slept.