Dominick slowly walked down the stairs that led to the underground space. As usual, he scanned his thumbprint, and he walked into the white room.

  Bound at a corner was Alexander. His eyes were open, but there was no focus in them. It seemed lifeless...

  "How are you. You are fine I know." Dominick chuckled wickedly.

  Alexander couldn't respond...

  Dominick grabbed a zap and fixed the electric chair.

  He cuffed Alexander on the chair, and plugged it.

  He then placed the zap on his hand.

  'Waaaaaa!!!!......' A zapping sound resounded around as Alexander began shaking uncontrollably on the chair.

  "Do some exercise please... It's good for you." Dominick laughed.

  Alexander couldn't speak but he could feel pain, and he could hear when someone was speaking.

  "You know what? We went to visit your beloved wife today. Her grave is getting more beautiful." Dominick unplugged the cable.