
  I was in the nursery with Angel when I feel the presence of someone behind me I hope deep down that it's my father who comes to see his son in secret, I calmly lay the little one down and when I turn around I was surprised by the person I see outside the door

  Me delighted: who am I seeing? I didn't expect you so soon

  Jade: You wanted me to take all year to make up my mind?

  Me approaching her: I'm very pleasantly surprised, I guess you come to give me your answer

  Jade: I accept your proposal

  Me approaching as close as possible to be able to stroke his hair: if I understand correctly you are telling me that you agree to marry me, Gianni, the worst bastard you have known in your entire life?

  Jade pushing me away: don't think it's a pleasure for me, know that you disgust me more than shit, keep your distance from me

  Me giggling: in your place I will get used to my presence since you will have me in your pasta until the end of your days