I was turning over in my bed when my phone starts vibrating, when I take it it was a message from my darling, that he is there and asks me to take an outfit and come with him.

  He really came, I feel even worse suddenly, but I'm not going to let the other throw a cold between my darling and me, I pack my bags and I go home to tell my mother

  Mom: are you still going or at this time?

  Me: I'm going to spend the night with Adrien

  Mum: ok, give him my good evening

  Me: ok, you sleep well

  Mom with a smile full of undertones: you sleep well too

  I close the door and I go to join Adrien who was waiting for me in front of the car, when I arrive at his level he gives me a kiss before opening the car door for me, the journey to his home is done in silence , he doesn't say anything either, probably to give me my space, he drives to his house, when we arrive he leads me to his room, I sit on the bed and he comes to rest next to me