CHAPTER Four - King Vlad's Intimate Observation

  King Vlad was as handsome as he was in the newspapers. Even more so in the flesh. His dark hair was combed back and a golden crown was sitting on his head. His dark eyes twinkled, his lips were plump and inviting with a straight nose, high cheekbones and a chiseled jaw. His body seemed very fit and muscular in the black shirt and red trousers that he was wearing. I have never seen a man as good looking as he was. It would be hard to resist falling for him.

  Marta looked shocked and panicked, but she bowed her head, "Yes, your Majesty."

  Her bow reminded me that I was supposed to bow in front of the King. So as she scurried back down the stairs, I bowed my head as I greeted him. "Long live His Majesty."

  "Who are you?" He asked, making me raise my head from my bow.

  "I am Jannah, your Majesty." I said with a small smile touching my lips because I couldn't afford to be unfriendly with the King, especially since I was aiming to become his Queen.

  "Jannah… What are you, Jannah?" He asked with a curious glint in his eyes.

  "I am human, your Majesty." I replied, feeling confused since I have known myself as human since the beginning of my life.

  He shook his head as his lips tugged up in a slight smile, "No, it cannot be. You are more than human, Jannah, but I am not quite sure what you are exactly."

  "But what makes you think so, your Majesty?"

  His smile widened as if glad that I was continuing our conversation. He stepped closer to me and leaned his face closer to mine. I looked down to avoid his eyes since I was not supposed to look the King in the eyes. "Your aura is not that of a human nor is your scent."

  He leaned his head closer to my neck and took in a deep breath as he closed his eyes. His voice became huskier as he murmured, "Most especially your scent, it is nothing like a human's."

  I stepped back, feeling uncomfortable that he was getting in my personal space and because his behavior was making my heart beat faster. I didn't come here to fall in love with the King, I came here to save myself and my people from slavery. "I have always known myself as a human even though I do not know who my parents are."

  He opened his eyes and they bored into mine. I quickly looked down, afraid that he might punish me for staring into his eyes. He let out a deep chuckle at my reaction. "That explains it. I am very pleased to meet you, Jannah and I am looking forward to seeing you at the selection tomorrow."

  "Thank you, your Majesty. I am pleased to meet you as well." I replied, still looking at the floor.

  "Your room is through the right hall way, the first door on the left, and you don't need your luggage. We have already provided each of you with you need to wear for the selection." He said as he looked at my luggage briefly before looking back at my face.

  As I lifted my head to reply, I saw that he was already gone. I couldn't help, but smile. He had noticed me on my first day and before the selection even started. Does that mean that I have a higher chance of winning? I hoped so. I turned forward and started up the stairs. Taking the King's advice to walk through the right hall way and came upon the first door on the left.

  I twisted the door handle and entered the room. Shock ran through me at seeing it. The room was so much larger than the one that the three of us shared at Lady Mary's house and it was almost the same size as hers. There was a large bed that could contain two people in the middle with bedside tables. The sheets had a pink and yellow floral pattern with two pillows on them.

  It was incredible to have such luxury and as I looked around the room in wonder, I spotted a wardrobe with a mirror beside it. I made my way to it and dropped my luggage on the floor as I used my other hand to open it. Several beautiful gowns were arranged inside on hangers. They looked so exquisite, unlike the dull, grey dresses that all human servants were forced to wear.

  We weren't allowed to wear anything other than those grey dresses and seeing these beautiful gowns made me feel excited. I quickly started pulling them out as I placed them over my body and looked at the mirror. I was surprised that they seemed to be my size, but then moat human women were petite. We weren't fed enough food to gain more weight.

  As I looked into the mirror at my reflection holding a lime green gown over my body, I heard a knock on the opened door. I turned around to see Marta standing in the doorway. She had a frown on her brows as she said, "Dress yourself in one of those gowns and come to the ball room as soon as you can because the selection has already started."

  "Where is the ballroom?" I asked as I thought of what I would find there.

  "Go back down the stairs then go to the hallway that is facing the door. From there, you will hear the sound of music and people, follow it and you will find the ballroom." She explained as her frown lifted then nodded at me as if satisfied with her own explanation. "Now, I need to go, I have many, many chores."

  I felt pitiful for her then since she couldn't join the competition like me because it was obvious that only young human women were invited. She had to stay as a slave and serve ungrateful vampires for the rest of her life. This was exactly why I knew that I had to win the competition.