CHAPTER Twenty Seven - What Am I?

  "Alright, I will think about it and let you know soon. Thank you for your time." I replied to General Colton, taking my hand out of his. "I should get going now since the next stage of the selection will be starting very soon."

  He gave me a tight smile, "Sure, just ask Martha to call me if you want to talk to me, she knows where to find me."

  "Alright." I replied and turned around to walk back to the castle, feeling his gaze on my back.

  As I walked through the castle doors, I made my way towards the dining room to see if I can find Lenna and Kelly, but I couldn't see them amongst the other candidates chatting about at the dining table. So I made my way towards the stairs to check Lenna's room. As I made my way up, I heard a voice call out to me.

  "Miss Jannah!"