There was a large desk in the corner near the windows where Queen Iris sat down while I took a seat opposite of her.

  King Vlad stood beside me as he took my hand in his, bringing my gaze to him to see him smiling at me, reassuringly.

  "Well, young lady, tell me what really happened?" Queen Iris asked me.

  I sighed, "Well, I have no idea what Penelope is talking about. We're not even friends, so how could I have been the one to give her the poison?"

  Queen Iris pursed her lips and crossed her arms, "I am sorry, Jannah, but I'm not sure if I believe you over Penelope."

  I stared at her in shock, "Why?"

  "Well, she's a vampire, why would she poison her own kind, much less her King? It doesn't make sense especially since she's competing with all these other girls to become his Queen. You, on the other hand..."