"Just try laying another finger on me and I will make you regret it, 'King' Aaron." I muttered to him, coldly before turning around to walk out of the room.

  When I got back to my rooms, I was surprised to see Jessica standing outside of my door. "Jannah, you b*tch!"

  I blinked in surprise and looked at her in anger, "You mean you're the b*tch! What do you want with me?!"

  She glared at me as she snorted, "You had King Vlad mark you as his mate before you even won the selection?! What if I won the selection?!"

  My jaw dropped as I stared at her, "Are you serious?"

  Jessica scoffed at me and shook her head, "Of course, I'm going to win the selection! I'm a vampire and you're not! Queen Iris would never let you be Queen even if you win!"