CHAPTER 9 Three Conditions

  Autumn thought about the offer once again, If she accepts it, her job will be retained.

  It was her dream job, and she couldn't bear to lose it, especially not when she went through so much before she was employed here.

  She thought about the marriage contract again. All she needed to do was to pretend to be his wife and she will be free after a year.

  She shrugged and muttered to herself, "it's not that bad after all. Ella and Raya have even advised me to accept the offer anyway." She paused to rethink it. After a few seconds, she muttered again. "I guess I'll have to do it."

  "Is this how you constantly speak to yourself whenever you have a decision to make?" Perry said, his voice resounding in the office as he walked to have his seat opposite her. "And have you made the decision? Or was the soliloquizing and meditation all for nothing?"