CHAPTER 46 Bombshell

  The stares that Becky and Elise gave Autumn made her feel uncomfortable. She cleared her throat and adjusted herself on her seat.?

  Her eyes looked everywhere in the sitting room except her mum's face. She couldn't bear to look at her face at that moment as she wasn't sure what her reply would be.

  "Seems I didn't hear you right, sis. You're moving out?" Elise asked her again, trying to make sure she heard Autumn correctly. Autumn nodded her head slowly.?

  "I knew it!" Elise exclaimed. "I just knew something was about to happen!"

  Elise stood up in front of her mum, arms akimbo, and said to her.?

  "Didn't I tell you? I told you that Autumn couldn't just decide to be nice to us unless she had something up her sleeves! I told you, didn't I?"

  Becky rolled her eyes and replied to Elise with a serious expression on her face. "Leave my front, Elise. You're obstructing my view."

  Elise scoffed and walked back to her seat, while Becky continued watching the TV.?