It's Payback

It was an unpleasant sight in Lucas' eyes.

Kali was barely standing, but still fighting this man with the smock. Lucas knew it was the same person from before because he used the same vanishing techniques.

Black blood flowed from Kali's scaly body and her claws trembled, making it difficult for her to defend herself against this mysterious man.

In their last fight, this wanker had beaten Lucas and Kali so badly that he was forced to sleep for a week, and Lucas could not let something like that happen again.

He clenched his fist when he saw him emerge from the black hole behind Kali's back again, 'he uses the same techniques, Lucas gritted his teeth in anger.

Lucas had to think quickly, but at the moment he had few options; one was to ask the system for the pill and let Izek take over his body again, but that would be very unpleasant, and secondly, to ask the white phoenix for help.