It's Not What It Is

The cool crisp air, the ice on the road mirrors and the harsh orange glow of the street lamps were seen in Lucas's eyes once he opened the door.

He stepped outside and the sharp crunch of snow beneath his feet was heard as the person outside was waiting for him to come.

"Wha-what is this, Haya?" Lucas repeated his question.

He was expecting to see a bunch of people, or maybe even a gang confront them, but he raised his eyebrows of surprise when a white snowflake landed on his face.

The weather changed in just twenty minutes, before they entered the weapon shop it was still summer season.

Seeing the white colour covering the buildings, and the person who was standing like a statue as if he was waiting for him, Lucas turned to Haya one more time.

Haya's eyes widened, as he saw a ghost. His already white skin was turning pale almost as if his blood pressure dropped instantly.

"What is happening?" Kali was turning her head to the sides and front.