Kalaini Is Back, Haya's Little Harem

Haya froze in terror as his eyeballs were drawn together, "where did she go?" His face turned pale leaving the cold sweat on his skin dry slower.

"Haya..." Lucas opened his mouth a bit.

"If Xina will do something to him we have to save him." He dropped the bag in his hands and began to rush out the door.

Lucas not clearly understanding the situation got up and ran to Kali, "Kali! Kali!" He shook her shoulders, "wake up!" He shouted, "we need to go!"

Kali forced to open her eyelids and seeing blurry Luca's face furrowed her eyebrows, "what's going on?" She asked him.

"Something happened, we need to follow Haya."

"Wait, what?" She scratched her eyes.

Another confusing moment for her was her 'why is he acting like this?'

"Screw it, stay here, Kali! Don't move!" A quick realisation went through Lucas's mind that 'what if Kali gets in danger?' He released her shoulders again and seeing the opened door rushed to Haya.