This System Don't Like To Listen

Into the ice-kissed air came wintry-feathears of pure white, a great snowfall that soon gave way to a blizzard, as of a sky damn had burst.

"What just happened?"

Lucas's eyelashes felt heavy as if something was on them. He blinked.

"No way!!" His flashing eyes and broad grin were covering his face right now, "we made it! Yahooo!" He shouted while strongly holding himself on Kali's scales.

His trembling chin and automatically forced giggle made his body shake, "I can't believe we made it!" He spoke loudly as the heavy air and the falling snow were coming into his face.

"I don't know how you've managed it, but I will forever be thankful to your dumbass!" Spoke Kalaini while holding still on Kali's wing.

"All we need right now is to bring the boy to Lya, and kill the monster!" Xina made a statement from Kali's other wing.

Kali kept on flapping her wings through the storm filled with icy snow, "I hope he's okay," Lucas thought when remembering the boy who was behind Haya's back.