Think What You Want

Lucas knew he would have a difficult time convincing others about his motives but he decided to give it a try anyway.

"You're not going to believe this," Lucas spoke in a low voice and stared down at the ground. "I want to help you. I know what you are." 

The four looked at him with their heads tilted back and sighed, letting out an even lower tone than Lucas.

"I can see through your disguise. You're just a big piece of wood!" Lucas smiled, "but I can also tell that I'm trying to find my way to him again, and if you're not going to help me then I will use force!" He gently shook his head.

"Are you going to attack me? Do you know how much damage you could do?" Lucas seemed worried.

  The system spoke no words, it just kept quiet and allowed Lucas to talk. 

  Lucas thought of the blade that was placed behind his back, 'I don't even know how to wield it yet,' he gritted his teeth.