Looking For Raven

Xina looked at Lucas and smiled, "don't worry, I just wanted to have time to prepare something for you."

"What happened?"

"The snake attacked me, and now it's dead," she chuckled and looked at Lya and Haya standing next to her.

Lya nodded and grinned, "we'll tell you about it later. Right now, let's get out of here!"

Haya glared at Notru with a twisted look in his eyes, "The..." He paused and let a sigh out, "nevermind," he added and looked at Lucas's bruised hands.

"Agreed!" Lucas interrupted.

A few minutes later, they were back in the forest, and Lucas and Notru were sitting on the grass, watching his three teammates talking to each other.

"So, Izek disappeared, another man vanished so did the three women's bodies and the system obeys you. Matter of fact, Kalaini and Kali had been kidnapped." Haya inhaled, "what about the monsters?" He asked.

Lya looked at Lucas, "do you want to tell us or not?"