Could Be Better

"The sunlight that was shining through the windows was beautiful. There was no way that anyone could sleep anymore, not after last night.

Kalaini was sitting on the edge of Lucas's bed and staring at Lucas's sweaty body, she asked "are you okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but I really need to shower," Lucas said and stood up.

"I'll help you," Kalaini smiled.

"N-no!" He immediately shouted as his face turned red.

"Oh, come on, we all know you can't take a shower alone," Kalaini giggled, "there's nothing wrong with taking the help."

"Really?" Lucas raised an eyebrow, inhaling more air, as his fast heartbeat was driving him crazy after the dream of Lya he just had, he didn't want to take any risks.

"It-it's okay," he stuttered, "I'll come as soon as I'm done," replied Lucas.